Monday, December 14, 2020

Trucker Sons Of The Wind Brothers Of The Highway T-Shirt

It is it is promoted bymany retailers so it’s questionable asto whether and what the motives arethere but I will I can tell you placelike REI that closed on Black Fridaythat is I applaud that right becauseawesome they can dothey could do a Trucker Sons Of The Wind Brothers Of The Highway T-Shirt lot of business on thatday and instead they they choose not toand and Patagonia did you see what theydid no I’ve seen several things thatthey’ve done in the past what they dorecently uh so they did do Black Fridayokay had sales they made over it wasover ten million I think on Black Fridaydonated one hundred percent of it tocharity oh wow that’s great and yeahthey’re doing some other really coolstuff now with their the recycling downfrom old Jackie yeah so they’re justthey’re very intentional retailer youknow which those two words sound like anoxymoron at first but there are goodlocal businesses but there are also somesome large corporations a lot of becorpse as well do we need jackets inMontana indeed indeed we do and so yesyou you can you can say no to theseother. It’s by far likethe best lobster rolls we went there inMaryland Reese I’m not trying to bragbut I’ve probably had over a hundredlobster rolls in my life andLuc’s lobsters by far the best so if yougot a lobster roll recommendation hit meup on twitter at Ryan Nicodemus allright before we move on to the next waveso that’s our first wave of this firstleg so the let’s talk about how we’redoing this so the first leg is nineteencities it is basically now through Juneand then we’re gonna take you to themonth of July off all together but we’regoing out for three or four cities in arow so it’s just a long weekend becauseyou and I have learned lessons frombeing on the road when we did the crazy100 City tour in 2014 we were on theroad for 10 months and that takes itstoll for sure we don’t want to do thatagain so what we’re gonna do we’re justgoing out for a long weekend basicallyand we will go out to those for three orfour cities in a region and we’recalling that a wave a wave of of thetour and so thing a thing that I like. Time to your communityand help them get into the mood

Source: Trucker Sons Of The Wind Brothers Of The Highway T-Shirt

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Ijust think about you know stuff untilyou know I’m just waiting for somethingto click mmm and that is that is I thinkthat’s the wrong approach and the reasonwhy I say that is because you know wehave this idea that we can sit aroundand I was listed well I got this fromTim Ferriss I was listening to one ofhis podcasts the other day and he wastalking about how people sit aroundtrying to discover themselves and it’snot about discovering yourself as muchas it is creating yourself and many ofyou probably heard this this sayingbefore discover yourself don’t discoveryourself create yourself but what thatmeans is that you can’t journal your wayto a Trucker Sons Of The Wind Brothers Of The Highway T-Shirt passion there isn’t a test that youcan take that’s gonna say hey thanks fortaking this test here’s here’s yourpassion you want to be a veterinarianand that’s what you’re gonna bepassionate about the rest of your life Ifeel like high school counselors try todo that well they try to give you someguidance I mean that’s what they ourguidance counselors and certainly youknow they. I do that because I’verealized over the years whenever I putmyself in a place of discomfort not aplace of pain true pain or truesuffering but but a place in which I amless comfortable than my day to day lifethose are actually the places from whichI grow the most and certainly having a10 month old daughter they’re alwaysuncomfortable right kids are always in aposition of discomfort except they don’tsee it as discomfort they see it asopportunity and and they approach theworld with their eyes open and they’reconstantly listening they’re constantlyasking questions especially when they’reyelling I mean I can’t see how manytimes Ella every single day asks me whywhy why why why and then when I give ananswer it tends to be it starts with theword because and of course she startsasking why because because she realizeshe realizes that that there’s a patternin my answers and so so when we areexploring the world from a place ofdiscomfort that is usually the placethat we’re going to learn the most sowhenever I say think something. And I still don’t have likewhat would be considered traditional TVbut Backson I do enjoy once or twice aweek watching a film or a really good TVshow although I found that I’m just notas entertained anymore once I’ve removedthat pacifier from my life for a verylong time there are very few things thatI’m like eager to watch but then thethings I am eager watching last night wewe finished the ninth episode ofWestworld which is such a good TV showand if you haven’t seen it yet and youhave an opportunity to see it I wouldencourage you to see it because it spurssome really great conversations aboutconsciousness and immorality andartificial intelligence and there’s somany great just well written lines andthat thing we will pause it and rewindlines and and and watch it and so Ifound a way to bring that back into mylife in a much much more deliberate wayso I’m using those tools much moredeliberately than I would have if I werejust to continue to coast on on thatpacifier modethat also means that I constantly needto reevaluate and
See Other related products: I Became A Teacher Because Your Life Is Worth My Time Rose T Shirt

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