Sunday, January 10, 2021

I'm Just A Happier Person Around Dragonflies T Shirt

Thefirst and foremost tip I give is youhave to be able to add value that is theonly reason why people come to Josh andi’s website it’s because they get sometype of value out of it do all sevenbillion people in the world get valueout of it no but enough to to where wehave a I'm Just A Happier Person Around Dragonflies T Shirt decent readership which is greatthe other thing too is Josh and I thesecond tip is you know put forth yourbest work Josh and I go out of our wayto make sure that you know when we postan essay or if we’re doing a redesign tothe website or with the documentary evenwe make sure that it’s the absolute bestquality that we can put out there wenever force a quantity over quality ithas it has to look good it has to lookthe best and you know what when Josh andI look at stuff from five years ago youknow sometimes we laugh at ourselveslike wow like we can’t believe we putthis out but at the time that was theabsolute best that we could do the thirdthing is is be consistent like if you ifyou have an essay one day that talksabout you know global warming and. In fact that seemsto be the opposite of interesting to meI cringe when I see a spreadsheet nowand I was really good at spreadsheetthere were many people at ourcorporation who were very impressed withyour title in your job but yeah no Iknow but but not interested in yeah andand we talked about this and a coupleepisodes ago with our our episode titledcreating and how I really I wasn’t Iwasn’t crude I didn’t feel like I wasdoing something meaningful or PurposeDriven or even creative and that was abig problem in my life and so right Iwanted to read you something I I don’tusually respond to people on Instagrambut since today our our documentary cameout on Netflix I was just taking a lookat some of some of the comments on ourposting we got a really interestingquestion that had nothing to do with thefilmand I wanted to at least read that toyou we had a lot of random we do get alot of random questions yeah let me seeif I can find a Shawn in the meantimesince Ryan and I are going back I wasjust in California we’re going. Nuts man it’s unbelievable soI experienced something similar lastnight wow

Source: I'm Just A Happier Person Around Dragonflies T Shirt

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A special holiday episode of I'm Just A Happier Person Around Dragonflies T Shirt theminimalists podcast enjoyevery little. Say well that is a storythat’s made up and it’s a fable and Ican communicate it the same way to a lawthat I would communicate Peppa Pig shedoesn’t think probablyhave any idea what peplum is no ideathis is a British family of pigs thatElla is obsessed with and we we insteadof on Sunday mornings we let her watchPeppa Pig and and so she believes thatPeppa Pig is a story it’s an animatedfiction and I think I’m okay with herbelieving that Santa Claus is also ananimated fiction it’s just a story andthat’s really the way that we approachit and it’s it’s the most honest way forme to approach it it’s not depriving herof that story but it’s also not lying toher and saying that some fat man breaksinto our house on Christmas Eve andreverse shoplifts under our Christmastree okaywell now it’s time for our added valueportion of the show this is where weeach recommend something that has addedvalue to our lives recently Ryan it’sI’m gonna call an audible here becauseyou mentioned Christmas songs I have aChristmas playlist on my. Ramble we will makeyou sound awesome on the air but pleasecall in and give us your comments yeahand we’ll air our favorite comments andtips on the next episode if we do selectyour voice mail we’ll send you anautographed copy of one of our bookseither essential or minimalism live ameaningful life or my personal favoriteeverything that remains here’s somecomments from our last episode hi myname is Deb and I’m calling I want tosay hello you guys and also thank youminimalism has changed my lifedecluttering and only keeping wasessential and useful has made me ahappier calmer more peaceful personmy son is 16 and he sees the positiveimpact that it brings thank you both forsharing this concept of a simplerlifestyle with us hey guys just wantedto say I really enjoy your podcast Ireally enjoyed the answer that you gaveto Evans question about cultivatingpassions and so it really excited me theidea of having a passion every 10 yearsjust as an example that you said hi guysthis is Laura from Amsterdam and yes I’mcalling from M
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