Sunday, November 29, 2020

I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt

So it’s like for Passover yeah it’smore passive aggressive but it’s it’sit’s a I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt lot of fun I don’t really knowhow to I was trying to think like howthe heck am I gonna explain this gameand I really don’t know how but you knowI’m not necessarily recommendingcivilizationwhat I am recommending is that you couldpotentially buy a boardgame somethinglike civilization mm hmm gift that tosomeone and create an experience duringthe holiday season with with family andfriends and it’s you know an experiencethat you can recreate for as long as youhave that game so anyone out there who’slooking for you know like a goodChristmas idea who they want to get aphysical item they want to give it tosomeone I think that’s a very meaningfulgift man is like getting someone a nicegame like our cards against humanity’ nodude that was fun so we tried to getthat last year for Christmastime andthat idea got poo pooed up theoff the chain when I when I ran it upthe chain I guess they weren’t ready forcards against humanity’ funny thing iswe’ve. Out with your family notwith your phone amen yeah ma’am Cassieshe writes in would you please talkabout how everyone rushes around allstressed out complaining about how busythey are during the holiday season Ihate that you know busyness doesn’talways equal productivity and itcertainly doesn’t always meet addingvalue totally agree my tweetableresponse would be busyness has become astatus symbol but it is a vacuousendeavor busy is the phallus four letterword in the English language and so yeahright this is a time of year where a lotof people do feel busy I remember backwhen we I mean this was the worst timeof year for me mm hmma decade ago right these are the 80 hourweeks kicked in for sure absolutelyeven more often hundred hour weeks onBlack Friday I’d worked 16 to 18 hoursin one day and and so we were in thethroes of the holiday shopping seasonand it was a very stressful time for usbut I know it’s stressful for otherpeople for different reasons if they’renot working in retail it could bebecause finances are are. For me but itbecomes an incantation of sorts and thatincantation then bled over to the newthings I brought into my life is thisgoing to actually add value to my lifeand if it’s a big purchase I tend to putit off for at least 30 days so I cancontemplate it and I make sure so a bigpurchase for me is generally anythingover 250 dollars I’m gonna put it offfor up for about a month if I can andunless there’s an emergency if a waterheater breaks or something why just callmy landlord water heater breaks but youget the point that there are exceptionsto that rule but for the most part anylarge purchase can I afford itmeaning monetarily but then can I affordthe embedded costs it’s I gotta take allthis time to clean the thing to put gasin the thing the change of things oil towash the thing to dry the thing torecharge the thing and then of courseit’s going to take up my time and myattention can I afford all those othercosts that maybe aren’t embedded in theprice tag and I have to be honest withmyself and that’s gonna help medetermine whether

Source: I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt

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I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt
I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt

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Out of the I Got Better With Every Lesson Learned I'm Avoiding Stupid People T-Shirt car and use those on topof the. Acouple months my by and I’m like youknow over his partner you gonna get a TVI may or may not six months goes bystill no TV I noticed how he was actingdifferent at work he started settingexpectations with our boss like hey I’mgonna be available from 7 00 a m until8 00 p m and that’s it and that that’sa lot of hours to give you and which waslike sacrilegious where we were workingat we were on call like doctors exceptwe worked in retail we weren’t savinganybodywe couldn’t even save ourselves yeah sowhen I saw those things that’s whatreally made me say okay josh is doingsomething that is making him not justhappier but I saw him regaining controlof his time and and and really doinggood things with his focus and that’swhat made me go to me like dude what’sgoing on with you why the hell are youso happy lately all right this this nextclip is from episode number 27 aboutpassion first thing you’re gonna have todo is identify what your values are noweveryone has certain basic human needs aneed for shelter and for food. And soyou can donate that stuff that they’reno longer getting value from and it’sjust sitting in a closet somewhere andallow someone else to get value fromfrom those hand me down clothes and andso the 9090 role has been beneficial forme also the just in case rule or what wecall the 20 20 rule anything you’reholding on to just in case you cantypically replace for less than twentydollars in less than twenty minutes andI think those are two good places tostart two good boundaries for you twoto set up and when you’re looking atgetting started Rachel I also think it’simportant to understand the the benefitsof minimalism so ask yourself a questionhow am I my life be better with less andin your situation what is what does thatlook like well you mentioned a fewthings I might may be able to produceless waste right because one of thebenefits of consuming less stuff isyou’re just by definition going toproduce less waste and I think that’sgreat but also keep in mind it’s notabout producing zero waste thatminimalism isn’t
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