Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Moment Of Science Please T Shirt

A child you very very solid these are these were not complaining people these were people that were they had everything they needed that the ventilators they have their testing they see that testing is growing their growing their testing were helping them were getting them that what they need and dad that was a A Moment Of Science Please T Shirt group I wish I mean I’m sure some of you are on the line even they were supposed to be and that I think you know what the result of that call us please go ahead well we can do something much easier than that we have ways of doing things a lot easier than that but a Germanys looking at things that will looking at things and we’re talking about a lot more money than Germany’s talking about you please go ahead and the final stage of you look at the world’s worldwide damage this is damage to the US but this is damage to the world please you have to ask Atty Gen bar but I think he wants to see like everybody wants to see people get back in wants to see people get back to work he doesn’t want people to be. Can more affordable about mastering our economy protecting American jobs marrying Michelle Obama through it all Joe Biden went from eating mutual respect and affection in this crap so Joe for your faith in your fellow Americans for your love of country and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations I’d like to ask the military aid to join us on stage for the final time as president is reward our nation’s highest civilian honor the presidential medal of freedom for mold all this metal with additional level of the minor my three most recent successors reserved for only three others Pope John Paul II Pres Ronald Reagan and Gen Colin Powell latest job and proud toward the presidential medal of freedom with distinction to my brother Joseph Robinette Biden Junior will be a please read the citation just are Biden Junior and career services nearly half a century just are Biden Junior I’d like to not a necessary part of our nation fighting for a stronger middle class fair judicial system. A very very quick Time so know and what we have done and we are going to be leaving a very indelible print for the future in case something like this happens again but it was a and that’s not the fault of anybody and frankly the old system worked very well for smaller numbers much smaller numbers but not for these kind of numbers Tony met some just to reiterate what I said to many of you multiple times to distant system the system was not designed for what it was designed for it worked very well CDC designed a good system if you want to get the kind of blanket testing and availability that anybody can get it or you could even do surveillance to find out what the penetrance is you have to embrace the private sector and this is exactly what you’re saying because she can’t do without it so when I said that I meant the system was not designed for what we need now looking forward the system will take care and you go back if you go back to the swine flu it was a nothing like this they didn’t do testing like this

Source: A Moment Of Science Please T Shirt

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They say and vote for the candidates they say to vote for and shit like this would still continue the Democrats still begin their funding from it blackline matter still return cities up and collecting billions of dollars and given it to the Democratic Party Planned Parenthood was still be funding abortions in all these little black Maury little beautiful black children begin shot in the and nobody will be saying the fucking thing about God I’m citizen man and I’m here and I’m saying something about give a A Moment Of Science Please T Shirt fuck what you got to say about it because not only do I love my own children but I love all children because you can’t love your own children you can’t love one child and not love enough that’s impossible decide you can’t love one person and hate another you either love everybody you hate everybody is universal now you can dislike the shit out of somebody yet like Sean Jean. Have a proposal from the cruise line industry but they’re currently considering what other steps that they might take perhaps even similar to what those are the lines have taken anticipating some response on that in the next 24 hours but as presidents and the American people cherish our cruise line industry men and women who work on the ships many women who work on the shore all the economy said are so benefited by a vibrant cruise line industry with presidents directed us to do is whether there whether there is a pause in the moment and some cruise lines are doing as we all continue to discuss we want to work with the cruise line industry to ensure that when we come through this the cruise lines in the medical services that are available and for the passengers and and all of the crew the net cruise lines are safer than ever before and can prosper for many years to come to questions for doctors about she works You based on what you currently know what is the trajectory for when this outbreak will peak. Inspiration in all those would come in they were able to muster faith here in America they might build a better life for their children something pensions about our history between more than just immigration the meaning of America what kind of country do we want to be immigrants or the teachers who inspire our children are the doctors who keep us healthy with engineers who design are skyline artists and entertainers parts immigrants are soldiers and airmen read never say it often loudly in immigrants and refugees revitalize and when new American is not something to take for granted something to cherish and a and me by Jenna Novick it is November together we can change the value is the right side back to the times there is no relevant when he prayed moving toward a more perfect union breaking through the proverbial graph theory there here from hearing the one in Capri over 65 million cracks in common is he makes sensible gun law will be the means for all who knows why you on the glory to make the world safe
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