Sunday, December 6, 2020

Snake It's Venomous Not Poisonous Vintage Retro T-Shirt Lady Shirt

Others to to move forward withless thanks for your question excellentall right before we move on to thislightning round for anyone who’slistening to this at home we’d love tohear what you have to say so if you havea a Snake It's Venomous Not Poisonous Vintage Retro T-Shirt Lady Shirt comment or or a tip for anyone whoasked us a question today you can leavewith some voicemail at four zero six twoone nine seven eight three nine we willair our favorite comments and tips onthe next episode also we have a you cansend a voice memo now right from yourphone so you can just record that onyour phone send it to podcast at theminimalists comm and you know what timeit is Ryan oh yeah it’s time for ourhashtag ask the minimalist lightninground indeed I’m speaking of socialmedia we’re on Twitter and Instagram atthe minimalist and facebook com slashthe minimalist and during this lightninground this is where we basically try togive you a bunch of pithy answers to toyour to your questions so you’re welcometo to come on up now and ask a questionand we’ll do our best to answer it and ahundred and forty. We’re I don’tknow a couple feet from completelyflipping the car. Was done Iwas like wow I really like this song soas a as a as a joke kind of we startedwriting anthem together but but every time we comeup with a new song and I’m playing I’mlike wow like if I could get a band byand this sounds really good but but anytime I have those moments whether it’swriting whether it’s going snowboardingin getting a new trick down or whateverit may be creating something new itreally really fuels my fire I thinkcreation can go along with that thatcultivating passion aspect yeah butultimately I have found myself beforewhere I’ve been cultivating passions butnot creating for a while and I’venoticed that when I start to createstuff I feel better about myself it’s agreat antidote to consumption as wellyeah the more we consume the less wecreate but of course the opposite isalso truethe more we create the more fulfilledmore fulfilled we feel and thereforedon’t feel the need to fill that voidwith mindless consumption let’s move onto the so we have a peel box if you wantto write us a postcardwe prefer

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Two people yeah well it wasnice cuz back then like we could justfeel like hey we’re gonna meet at thiscoffee shop and would not even reallytalk to the coffee shop owner it waslike hey a Snake It's Venomous Not Poisonous Vintage Retro T-Shirt Lady Shirt party of six because it wasus and for the people showing up and sowe could do that and I learned so muchfrom that that it was a like a year anda half long tour basically or ayear long tour we went out in theselittle legs where we go out for a weekor two weeks sometimes as much as threeweeks at a time and we just meet atthese clubs and we would we didn’t haveany money so we’d often sleep in the caror we’d sleep our readers houses orcouches or so occasionally we’d springfor a motel 8 we’d sleep at rest stopsometimes I remember once we fell asleepin in Phoenix Arizona outside of Phoenixbetween Phoenix and San Diego I woke upand there’s a sign run for the car it’sa beware of scorpions and snakes werevenomous creatures so we’ve learned alot of lessons from that but I alsolearned that you know what when webooked these venues and as the. Like someone who’s eating the steakwill look at them and say you kill thosepoor animals oh good I mean they’re justlike this huge disconnect that youdescribe your true it is true becausewe’ve made getting food so easy in oursociety yeah because you go to your thefreezer section of your local grocerystore and pick out a slab of meat rightand you have you know you have no ideaand I feel like in order to from me likein order for me to you know eat mebecause I just started eating meat waslat it was last year beginning of theyear I make sure that I am being asresponsible as I can with that foodmm hmm and you know a couple days ago Itook it a step further aware like I wentout and you know pretty much like mademy you know participated in making thefood I guess to another level but uh butyeah I would just my recommendation isnot to go butcher a lamb but get moreconnected with your food and maybe thatdoesn’t mean going out and like my momshe took my brother’s mm hmm out to apork you know pork pork packaging plantand she. If you have children I do notbut I can get some really good advice onkids I’m and I’m into it without havingkids I got all the advice and I well Iguess what my question is like having achild how do you deal with the idea ofminimalism and you know the realities ofhaving a kid you know there’s a lot oflike tiny things that come with kidsyeah yeah for sure I got a pit theanswer but I don’t play I’m totallystealing please do we’re tied three tothree right now go for it I would sayuh having children makes minimalism evenmore important Ohagain then I camera he is getting on ourcamera I totally agree with that I’lltry to expand on if I don’t have I’m notgonna have a shorter answer this betterthan that um so here’s what I’ve learnedso I’ll give you a stat so the averagechild in the United States has 238 toysthey play with 12 daily and and theyforget about the other 226 still mathpodcast right you tell with double checkso you’re supposed to be the humanadvocate we know I I’ve learned that ourkids are watching right actuallyeveryone’s
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