Friday, January 29, 2021

Who Needs Luck When I Have White German Shepherd T Shirt

That is a Who Needs Luck When I Have White German Shepherd T Shirt psychotic transgender you know wife or daughter in is bad the need this bathroom handicap bathroom to break your fucking links and just in case you guys go don’t believe that this pedophilia shit is really going on take a look at this that is a pregnant child these are pregnant children how do you think these children got pregnant grown man raping that can say having sex is no such thing as consensual sex with a child that is right these children are rape victims and it happens every fucking day in Q’s been exposing it trumps been exposing and going to war with them been exposing it to YouTube is a been exposing it and as a result were being targeted but we can’t stop fighting is one from WikiLeaks to do a bad and you who Montezuma Aberdeen Obama Barack. Well it’s good everybody so I wentand saw the movie this morning I started to pack all eyes on the movie on it was pretty good you know what you know you see 50 San Jay to take it out here in Canada bashing parts of the movie but the movie was pretty you know what I like they touched on everything in that in the bed the whole timeline to back the only thing I was disappointed about about the movie is that it didn’t go totally in depth with everything but I totally recommend you see the movie case there’s no way I can describe it to you in a way where you can experience it anyway so don’t worry about business for ARS we all know what happened but then the movies I can’t spoil anything for you I can spoil one thing for you we can see here when he seen it or not you have to see it for yourself now but I ate it all the day saying a lot was I now most of it is like everything in the movie they did fact check it with things like I even thought thatand there’s no way spoil the movie for you because you have to experience it if you ever looked at two boxlike you’ve kind of seen the movie you just haven’t seen the way they I could pick up the movies don’t worry about me spoiling the movie for you I there’s no way swell if you are not going to total detail everything but they didn’t get into detail with certain parts of the movie like you know like how we got famous stuff I can skip over that by narrating it with a channel interview that he didn’t they just reenacted a channel interview he did we’ve all seen this interview it’s a kind facility video I think an hour long him just talking we are seen as you know South I just think can escape through the beginning of his life just shelf it basically a Wikipedia of his life on antibiotics cutely oneand to go a little deeper into things that you didn’t know aboutand everything in the movie we ran about so you’re just kinda seen that movie for missing Wikipedia in movie form is nothing wrong with that I think on only the only part I was disappointed me was a few characters they chose on the showand I character was dealt below the good ones should character was amazing began place to back is amazing is very good on I just didn’t like the Snoop Dogg character I thought that way sad I can look or feel like Snoop Dogg certain things get the feeling off but I it was I to get moving get check it out on I think it’s impossible to contact his whole life in two hours salute that boy young saluteand Gigi Mayo did a good job may not do a good joband not course Grady did a good job rabies as he did a great job he played a perfectly but yeah man I goes like this dollars yeah I was a great topic know how would now like you might not like it tell you right case they would wanted to go he would probably wanted to go deeper into his life but I think I think you should go see the movie event because I cannot support things like this in the culture anyways okay so in the end this is good I’m not telling you anything bad it wasn’t a bad movie is a good movie on I would tell you it was trash out with actually I was satisfied when I leftand you know you don’t see that movie or as satisfied I got paid my my saga good movie actually bought three tickets are why why do you know what I wanted to go so I buy three different tickets so I ended up spending 21 see the movie way it’s good I you guys go see it that boy in Michigan in early dealing I went at 10 AM yeah definitely also lucky organized you can be happy sought that because it’s two hours of gray filmmaking okay there might be a few characters that didn’t like to take the characters we know in real life like Snoop Dogg okay you’re stilland enjoy the movie hundred percent pay they show every day showing illness too much they just don’t going total depth of the do you go in the just theater now I didn’t I went to ANSI I nomad Johnson had here in Atlanta check that out there’s also a Cindy bistro but I went to ANSI the reclining seats not taking pop wouldn’t go see Gigi are now I mean you know I think there needs to be another tube I think there needs to be a longer Tupac because his life he can’t I still can’t believe he was only 25and did all the things he didn’t like this guy like let’s bring up the staff said I how many movies is to I think he was in seven movies he was an 11 movies 11 movies how many how did the any reported 12345677 now moansand then seven was while he was aliveand then after his death wine 234 5678 910 like her 11 hours after his death I think even more than maybe 12 that’s crazy because think about it most people can’t do that their whole life he didn’t like years as crazy as first argument 119 91 Tupac Now that’s crazy man so he he was really like active active like six years six years man that’s crazy man in a day show everything him even wanting to kinda get off death row that the way he died way to add a problem with some crib members right before he died think they can show everything generally leads to much outmanned so as for everyone to play now appreciate you bro appreciationand salute on the Yogi banks was good so Tupac was pretty amazing brought me to do all that in such a short amount of time that’s crazy when you think about that Mandy that no one is ever to be like pot I hate it when people compare themselves to talk like even Wyattand Lucci dropped something today saying something pot did know you near Pac Man you can’t be out for two yearsand compare yourself to talk I’m sorry man I’m sorry if you a bad fogand 10 movies if you been an 11 moviesand you haven’t done seven our homes within five years get I hearand also yet deftly watch the movie the least two hours two hoursand 20 minutes pretty long but doesn’t feel that cuts like you going through that timeline talks deftly the greatest just product the jaded JPEGand said her character was a bunch of lies they put in what the movie guys okay there was they had to establish that jaded taking Tupac had a special relationship that was deeper than just being friends it was a soul sold their souls match strikeand I was the only way they can kinda show that in a short amount of time so they had to show interaction with him in jail that was really deep in the back to embellish a little bit go totally crazy with itand show jaded Tupac in effect seen Ernie think she even said their relationship was deeper than sex they never had sex it was deeper than sex because they it was a mental bondand she said you only get one of those friendships your whole life nowand I you know that they did for the movie I don’t think the antibiotics aren’t always exactly hundred percent okay but you know are now meant JT never was going to leave death row JT yes he was actually Wendy day who was friends with talk he was leaving death row he just couldn’t get off because they worry that he would have to get lawyersand everything to Gaffney was in the process of doing honestly the last three months he was trying to get his paperwork right to get off the death row but you don’t just tell himand walk away like Dr Dre did it savage life but he had moneyand he started a labeland Dr Dre produced his own shared everything so he didn’t need anybody Tupac had to doingand awake is the way he he was on pal from death row it they were buying a house everything he was too tightand it was it would take him a few months to on ravel from death row on my arm to come out soon is joking to Jordan for retro shot tomorrow okay cool I think the movie was asked it was just it was good you can okay I’m not I’ll think so afraid I the movie was okay it wasn’t trash it was good I think it was good I thinkand encourage everybody to go see it it wasn’t the best bioticand fiber seen think the strata Compton was fucking go feeling to it is that it was missing that feeling but still get why is your character she played a big role site also yet they missed out a few people but in the mist at the scene where he spent on the infamous they were spent on the that I reportersand 40 guy I heard about 40 got was pop today are I hope he poster now John Singleton has a real spooky shit going onand I think it would be good if he he was journey get too deep with it was a better than big E movie the movie was more cinematic than this was I can’t say it was better though they were about equal now peace mode staffand how they betray the relationship between pocketand his mother that was dealt those were the two strongest characters meand I’m right just talk about the movieand I will talk about tomorrow to it yes but I it ways that those were the two strongest characters man they showed how strong the bond was between his mother how his mother was there form after she got cleanand he had some successand got her cleanand everythingand she was more clearheadedand help was there for Pokand warned him about certain things going on in that your target on his back as he was a black leader evaluate it was definitely was it’s definitely worth seeing Jay smooth definitely worsening is get Richard tried die trying a better movie better yes it is because think about it 50 was alive to tell the storyand they they was very cinematic good point that should I have the person who did two. Go there is a third actress I can remember thinking at the time of these would fit to be one woman so it must be for another role that they’re all going in for turns out was wonder what you are going in for they selected her now before I give my opinion about this let me preface what I want to say with this I’m going to give this a shot when the movie opens going with check my prejudices at the door check my preconceived notions at the door going space a movieand I’ll judge it on some errands but since were talking outand we just heard about it I got to my first impressions this is terrible terrible casting just awful because for several reasons number one I was one of the simpler things out of the way I want 95 pound one woman dies a beautiful woman absolutely that’s gracious got exotic looking at one for woman what all that kind of stuff but what incarnation when we look at where there’s the complex animated movies or whatever one only 95 pounds we need somebody a little bit more like oh the enemy fire they were just time at the other day who seems to some aluminum or physically do like her now rated you can get her on the horse steroids get her pumping iron as fast he can pull a little muscle on but her frame I’m sorry that is not one of the other reason I have a problem with this is fastand furious she has been acceptable for the role she was playing but I’ve never look at her snatch something this actress cannot only play in a small sign role this actress put on her own shoulders carry a franchiseand you know that DCand Warner Bro are just planning on using a wonder woman just as a little side character ministerial to another user is now our wonder woman for the Justice league universe moving for you know the wonder woman franchise now based around her I never believe that she is the type of doctors who carry a franchise sell for for those plus she’s language a little bit so for all those reasons physically I don’t think it’s a criteria I don’t think she has that level of acting ability to carry an entire major league franchise on her shoulders I just don’t see now maybe we’ll go see ministerial two 2015and she will blow our socks off we got it open the possibility it’s very possible escape our fingers crossed I like the casting decisions Warner Broand Zack Snyder made so far so we give them the benefit of the doubt my initial reaction is this is awful anyway we think Campbell got back in town select training than the male sortand will I’m good to give her the benefit of the doubt I think whether she’s a great actress in the fastand the furious actorsand actresses always have the different roles so if they saw that the actor you come up with your character firstand then go get the best actor for what were saying I not giving disclaimers to death here she might end up being awesome we have to remain open to that possibility comes from an island of Amazon’s who’s to say that all the position you incarnated in the same site as my or my quibbles with thisand she’s gonna bulk up she might not have the building frame of what’s the idealized version of one woman but in a mean that’s neither here nor there for me as long as they keep true to the actual characterand make a really cool character out of this version of oneand that’s all that matters in a I’m sure that they got it under control so I’m yes if I just as you were to hear that they cast downand out but in a minute just like Ben Affleck for minerals like wineand I like now is actually that makes a lot of sense so in a bout healingand hope hoping I’m I’m right I wanted to be horrible here today I’m I’m I’m very negative on this I think this is a terrible decision but there is not entity anybody more hoping that they this was this that this is a stroke of genius I would hope that this is a stroke of geniusand that she can knock your socks offand is going to be awesome keep our fingers crossed my enthusiasm of our lives who are official first topic today how long are you going to acquaint before considering that out to to the role of the over The other day we talked about where confess if you go from here now stuff three options that they had this was one of the options not because I don’t think it’s it’s a valid option because I never dreamed in 1 million years universal consider being already halfway done filming scrapping of they got reworked the scriptand start again that’s what they’re doing okay with it actually I’m totally okay that like logisticallyand makes life a lot simpler despite the fact that start over again then say trying to patchwork in makeshiftand very awkward departure of the Paul Walker character out of the film because it’s not like they were 90 done filming they just had finished his last couple of scenes all that kind of stuff now once again on the actual options does not have their party replaced with another actor I will still firmly stand on the ground that you replace them with another actor absolutely replaced with another actor I mention this the other day but it bears repeating their some people say respect for Paul Walker you don’t replace them that’s bull crap that is absolute stupidityand nonsense because if you’re a guy like Paul Walker who pour your heart passion mine soul strength everything into that characterand that role you honor him by making it the best fastand furious ever there was some guy who was an architect right now this dream of a building this story skyscraperand when it was 60 stories tall he passed away he wants to go welland respect for him to stop it at 60 stories now if you honor him you take that building all the way to where was supposed to go on the shoulders of what he built the Paul Walker fast appears as important as the rock is become fastand furious is about Domand Brian that’s what this franchise is about is about Domand Brian anything planning to take this to fastand furious nineand 10 with Domand Brian Paul Walker you take it to nine or 10 with Donand write this some people say well you know I will deal with you some Your Pl

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