Friday, June 11, 2021

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White

Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt I got a phone call from him from prison. I said, “Who is this?” But I knew exactly who it was. I’m not sure why I still asked though. He answered me saying, “Your brother.” I was still mad as hell, and I replied, “I don’t have a brother.” Then I hung up on him as he was saying, “No, wait for sis…” Before choosing any of those technologies, get your JavaScript skills to an appropriate level. If you are looking for resources to learn JavaScript, check out this answer. You should have at least heard about the Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt and I love this following topics: The whole house was a wreck. But my mother-in-law’s bathroom was worse than any filthy gas station bathroom I’ve ever seen. The floors were black from filth. The bidet and toilet hadn’t been cleaned as well and the whole bathroom reeked of urine. I couldn’t let her live that way so I got on my hands and knees, I’m disabled by the way, and scrubbed that whole bathroom top to bottom. It took hours, several rolls of paper towels, several bottles of cleaning supplies….when her daughter got home she pretended not to notice. I was literally in severe pain too and it was blown off. This was my ex-mother in law who never treated me well but someone needed to treat her humane because her own kids wouldn’t. After that, I cut all ties with my former sister in law who over the years I stuck close by especially when she lost a child, my niece, in 2011. I’d go to her several times a week and sit with her, bring wine, lunch. My own sister even offered to give her a very large sum of money for her daughter’s headstone… good deed goes unpunished and the level of humiliation I felt has brought me to this point. When I had started a job working acute medicine we had to transfer patients up to other wards, and most of the time I would do it myself instead of waiting for a porter because it was just quicker. Walked past a room of a patient I didn’t know in this other ward. Buy this shirt:  Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt I was in my late 20s, we were all together at a special holiday brunch for a family reunion. While waiting to be seated, my dad encouraged me to get my fortune told by the Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this fortune teller in the lobby. I’d never done that before but he’d offered to pay and the others were encouraging me to do it. What the heck, I thought. I sat in front of her and she’d looked deeply into my eyes and then examined my hand. She’d told me I would have a child soon (this had brought tears to my eyes because I’d had a miscarriage the year before, but what I hadn’t known at the time was that I conceived my oldest son that month without trying hmm), and other truly insightful things. The strangest part, though, was that she’d said I would one day have an entire collection of shoes. So many shoes and nobody else would understand why. At the time, that part had seemed so ridiculous! I had sandals, tennies, and a pair of heels and that was all! Even the outfit I had on that day was the previous year’s (or 2 or 3 years’) style. I couldn’t imagine buying more than the bare minimum for myself. We all had a good laugh about it. My mom is and almost always has been a bitch. She and my stepdad treated me like shit. I’ve been told that they wouldn’t be surprised if I reached 600 pounds because of how much I ate. I weighed 120. And my weight stays the same no matter what I do. Once in therapy, I did talk about my childhood memory of my parents fighting about money and how expensive my sport was and how much they spent on me. I tried asking my mom about it after I came to understand its impact on me. Buy this shirt:  Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was almost forced to eat rat poison. I’ve had to witness a couple of other people getting abused, too. I’ve been threatened with a lawsuit for not giving them money for my medical bills when I was a minor. I’ve been threatened to have my hand cut off with a saw. I considered suicide at the Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this age of 12. I’ve been beaten with my leg braces. I’ve also been called dumb, stupid, lazy. I have cerebral palsy, which they know about. All by the same people: my mom and stepdad. My husband and I eventually reached a point of financial stability so I was able to spend money on myself. I started by buying some shoes on deep clearance-boots, then heels, then tall boots… At the end of each season, I’d find a great pair of shoes on a deep discount and it absolutely thrilled me to have a new pair of shoes!! About five years ago, my husband built an extra closet in our bedroom for my shoes. He’s a great woodworker and it blends into the room perfectly-shelves and shelves of shoes behind extra-tall double doors. The fortune teller was only wrong about one little detail: nobody but my awesome husband understands why I have so many shoes. There are various competing accounts about exactly how it happened, but in any case, Burroughs came to the reluctant conclusion that at the moment of shooting the pistol, he had become possessed by what he called ‘the Ugly Spirit’, and that he was condemned to spend the rest of his life trying to evade the efforts of the Ugly Spirit to take control of his actions and make him do bad things. It’s clear to me, at any rate, that this was Burroughs’ way of dealing with the crushing guilt he felt about Joan’s death. It doesn’t really fit the category of revenge, but it was satisfying all the same. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of terrible neighbors. Buy this shirt:  Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt and by the same token and party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. Either way, her behavior was not suitable for someone of her age and in her position, and I don’t believe even the most ardent fan could condone either what she did, or what she said. I told him something with low miles and under $10,000. Not a super exciting day for him but he knew our old car was dead and that we needed something the same day. He immediately replied that he only had 1 car that fit the bill. We go outside and are handed the keys to a Focus they had just gotten in with around 40,000 miles. They hadn’t even had it detailed yet so this was very new on the lot. More miles than I wanted but I figured the price would be even less than I was looking for so what the heck. My wife and I go for a test drive sans salesman. While driving it I noticed that the car seemed to be shaking and was rough at lower speeds. Something was definitely not right especially for a car with only 40,000 miles It had the CVT transmission (we got the car from my father after he was done with it so the transmission wasn’t my choice, hey, free car!) and it finally died on us. I knew it was coming but there is only so much you can do as a young couple who has recently relocated and are still paying down student loans. We started hitting the dealerships in town. I knew exactly what my out the door price had to be to get me the payments I could afford and I also knew what my financing rate should be since I had already called my bank and had confirmation of their best rate if I went with them. Buy this shirt:  My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt I offered to run her to class since the John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt in contrast I will get this college was on my way to work. This was before cell phones so, I promised her I’d call her father for her and let him know where to get her car too. The dog-blanket kept in my car worked great to stop her shoes from muddying the passenger floorboard. She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud. About a year later, one of my foster kids decided to dump fish tank gravel into the kitchen sink garbage disposal and turn it on. I called “Royal Flush Plumbing” randomly from the telephone book and they came out to give me an estimate to fix it all. An older, chubby, gentleman, slightly out of breath, showed up and climbed up under my sink to investigate the damages. As with the phones, they want their laptops slimmed down, but somehow more screen-dominant at the same time, which has led to a bezel-free screen design arms race among laptop manufacturers. Webcams, generally housed at the top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Buy this shirt:  John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt I just knew that the FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt besides I will buy this situation looked dodgy. A partner of a woman I knew, looking all disheveled, emerging from the side door of a pub, at 6.45 am with a woman half-naked that is hanging out of the upstairs window and shouting innuendos so to speak to him. A woman who is renowned for sleeping with customers. No, I did not say something. I kept out of it. I had my own issues to deal with. So I got a four feet long piece of 18-inch paper, soaked it for a couple of hours and then placed it emulsion side down on his windshield, his car is parked at the foot of my garden making access very easy. I was shocked and exhausted but also a little excited. She was the first baby. None of us knew how you were meant to behave so all my friends came round. And stayed. And stayed. And finally, I worked up the courage to ask them to leave. My sister said `but it´s only nine o´clock` a bit cross as she left and I fell into an exhausted sleep with no supper. A lot more people visited us that day. And so it went on. Harry, as Captain-General of the Royal Marines, did not attend the memorial that paid tribute to the 11 servicemen killed by the IRA in 1989. I have no idea what excuse he gave to the Marines but he can’t have claimed illness as, instead, he went with Meghan to the Disney premiere of The Lion King. Quite apart from the fact that Harry was prepared to give up a long-standing and important engagement as a royal, what kind of wife would expect her husband not to honor such an event? Well, I was working in the photo industry then and mentioned this “parking space war” to some colleagues and was advised that photo paper when well soaked in water and placed face down on a surface and allowed to dry sticks like poop to a blanket. Buy this shirt:  FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt He proposed to me on the 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this evening of December 8th, 2002. We had been dating for 6 years, lived together for 3, and had recently bought a house together, so this engagement was not a surprise, but it was very exciting to think about our wedding. We decided to keep our happy news to ourselves for the night and just enjoy a quiet evening together. The first time I heard her voice was a message that she left on my phone. I listened to it and she listed allot of terrible things that had happened to her throughout her life. These included losing parents and family members and her father from murder and grandparents too and there were other terrible things that I can no longer remember. Not all Americans; but the reason why many Americans think the US would become socialist by offering universal healthcare of any kind, even a tightly-regulated multipayer system like Germany’s, is propaganda. The fire was starting to get out of hand before people grabbed some fire extinguishers and put it out. But the damage had been done. Much of the wooden wainscotting of the wall on the lunchroom side had to be pulled off to get at the insulation and make sure that the fire was out as did whatever the wall was made from on the other side. (The building was over 100 years old – I think it may even have been on the TV show called ‘Murdoch Mysteries’ if you know of it) so there was no fire-retardant drywall, just wood frame, and wood wainscotting. if she had such a huge fear of dead bodies I don’t understand why she applied to work at a funeral home. Sure, the hostesses usually spent their time around the kitchen and the reception rooms upstairs but you’d think that at least once in a while they’d expect to be elsewhere on the premises, if for nothing else then to go to the employee lunchroom. The next day we called our families to share our engagement news, and all hell broke loose. My mother, the queen of all narcissists, immediately started grilling me for wedding details: When? Where? How many bridesmaids? What color linens? Was I going to make sure my future mother-in-law wore a different color dress than hers at the wedding? She then went on to tell me how successful she was in spite of it all and told me that she had a 4.0 average in college. She talked about other great things about herself. It was allotted to take in right out of the box from someone I never met. They have been told by their trusted leaders and opinionators that single-payer means socialism and that we will end up like Venezuela. These leaders and opinionators use lies, damned lies, cherry-picked statistics, and apocryphal stories to tell their followers it’s a horror show in all these other countries. Except that the torch the plumber used for the soldering ended up setting the insulation on fire between the walls. Buy this shirt:  10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White I went back to my home state the I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White in addition I really love this next day. I didn’t talk to my mother for a month. When I did it was only to inform her that she let my sister treat me in a reprehensible manner. I was tired of being treated like a child when I went to visit. That I’m only given three weeks vacation a year, and I have an entire world to visit. Year after year I would set aside some time to visit them. I told her I was absolutely done doing that. But I could’ve spent that time and money seeing something beautiful, and staying at a nice hotel, where people would be nice to me. Instead, as she knew, I spent the Four days getting yelled at and screamed at. There were other things to Dash my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephews baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern of preparation that I was coming to visit. four days getting yelled and screamed at. There were other things too – my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephew’s baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern and preparation that I was coming to visit. Two months later, after I’d started a much better job, I get a call from the VP, telling me that the production of this product had stopped, and he asked my advice about their problems. I politely told him that I’d left very specifically, detailed instructions as to how to build the product, and they must have deviated from my instructions somewhere. I told him that my new job was all-consuming, and I could not help them with a detailed review and remedy. FWIW, they couldn’t build the product and had to shut it down completely. Buy this shirt:  I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt This particular time, my older sister insisted on coming with us. She is less calm and collected than my mother, lacking anything that one could call coping mechanisms. She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt in other words I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie “Woman of the Year,” there is a scene in which someone talks down to the character played by Katherine Hepburn. “Careful,” Spencer Tracy says “You are in over your head.” This story reminds of that moment: This man was either mentally ill or on drugs (or both) but his movements were so quick, jerky and erratic that as he once again reached to the back of his pants, jerked up to the window of the car and flung his hand around the two of us reacted in unison. I started to dip down to the floor of the car, hoping to shield under the glovebox. The officer had his hand on his gun and it halfway out of the holster before we realized the man was simply jerking his hands around for no reason. The officer asked him to just keep his hands visible and the man apologized. He was extremely nervous and erratic. Buy this shirt:  Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt Asl I love you shirt The other main issue was scheduling. They knew I was in school but put me for overnights. I hated it but partway through they stopped staying open all night so I figured it wasn’t an issue. Then they reversed that a couple of months later and re-opened all night again. I reminded them I was in school but they scheduled me another overnight. At this point, they had just given me my second review (also late) which I apparently bombed (yet they wouldn’t fire me…) and I was also approaching my final exams which I really needed to do well on… so I basically said eff this, walked in on an off day, handed in a bag with all my uniform stuff, and said I’m done. A good friend of mine in college was a very big man…like 6 foot 6, 290 pounds, all solid muscle, and bone. Tom got started working out with his dad at about age four. He could bench press over 700 pounds and used a chunk of shock absorber coil off a car as a “hand squeeze”. . My husband had cancer we went to his oncology appt he was feeling poorly and the Asl I love you shirt in other words I will buy this doctor said he looked worse then he had ever seen in six years we had been going there. He had one of his nurses take us to the hospital through the connecting tunnel. On the word of the oncologist, they admitted him right away. They found that he was septic. The doctor came in and said you are septic you need emergency surgery. You have two choices you can have the surgery in the next ten minutes or you can choose not to have surgery and you will die within 48 hrs. When you are dying they give you the option to live or die. As miserable as he had been he opted for surgery and lived another year. My ex-wife and I had moved in a few months prior. The apartments were okay, but the complex was massive and the units were cookie-cutter. The tenants were very diverse from a cultural and economic perspective. Many worked at Intel down the road and made enough to buy a house after a year or two. Others worked in the service industry and stayed quite a bit longer. For the most part, the turnover was high and people didn’t know their neighbors. It never failed to amaze me the number of idiots who wanted to “prove” themselves in some kind of macho insanity. My buddy was really even-tempered and never tried to start anything, but there always seemed to be another idiot… You need to get the youngest son out of the house and away from the older brother and sit the youngest son down and ask him what’s going on. Buy this shirt:  Asl I love you shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt What happens is that when a mother lets go of her son in a healthy manner, a new type of relationship forms with mom and son. It’s still a warm relationship, but it changes. Or it should. My married son (one of four sons) now has four children and is busy with his work and care of his home. But he calls me to chat, ask how I and his dad are, asks about his younger sister. I went with when he asked for my parents’ blessing. I was still living with my parents and was looking for a job opportunity in my husband’s home town (we had been long distance up until that point). We both laid out our plans and finances together, as we are a team. I never got the 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this idea of the ‘surprise’ engagement – certainly there are things to discuss before taking that step that would ‘ruin’ the surprise? But there’s more! I never received a W2 from them and, an improvident artist that I am hadn’t a clue as to how much money I’d made above or below the table. I called the IRS with my problem; they were very interested and told me to make a good faith effort to get in touch with the officers of the company. Of course, she overthrew him and became Catherine the Great. Not a very good first try, but the monarchy persevered, and the following princesses were not that rebellious. I signed up with a temp agency the next day and a few days later received a phone call from them. “We have the perfect position for you! It’s a small financial planning company where they need clerical work and Wang word processing.” My old company. I called my friend at the office and told her what had happened. She checked with Bob, who told her it would be weird to have me back, so I called the temp agency and told them it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take the job since it was my former employer. I didn’t tell them that if they placed someone there, they’d never get paid. They found me a different position within a day or two, and then my friend called again: Bob had thought about it and it made sense for me to come back. I told her it was too late, I’d found something else. You’ll probably find that the Queen does not wear the Koh-i-Noor in either of the two crowns worn since in the United Kingdom since 1953 (the Crown of St Edward with which was formally crowned at her coronation, or the Imperial State Crown, worn after the coronation and only annually at the State Opening of Parliament). Buy this shirt:  54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt She told me all about that adventure, that she was almost out of money and was either heading back to Sweden to figure out her life or would try to get a job on a yacht as a cook. In 1174, Baldwin’s father died unexpectedly. Baldwin was elected King by the 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories shirt it is in the first place but High Court of Jerusalem despite the fact that other crown vassals afflicted with leprosy were required to join the Knights of St. Lazarus. Being still a minor (13) at the time of his father’s death, the Kingdom was placed in the care of a regent, Raymond of Tripoli, himself a descendant of Baldwin II and one of the most powerful barons in the crusader states. Notably, at this time Baldwin could still move and above all ride, without apparent impediment indeed contemporary accounts stress that he was an exceptional horseman able to control his horse perfectly at a full gallop. Quite a few times. I ignore my gut, my brain kicks in and I exit. This year I would say that’s happened 20 times in 50 trades?! It’s a lot to do with the fact that I’m uncertain. With regard to an oil trade it did during lockdown, I didn’t just stay in, but I tripled-down on the position and that made me £830 profit on top of a £500 trade. But that was 100% clear to me that everything was in place to do that. Same re: Boeing when that was around £125. but if there’s anything remotely messy about the trade I’ll balls it up and bail. I kissed her, then a few days later, moved in. She later told me she’d seen me walk in with the gay German and assumed I was his lover. Would’ve been better of me to realize a touch sooner that the German was in fact gay, and gay looking, and that people assumed I was too, due to my hanging with him. But I was young, and a doofus. Anyway, had I not asked her to dance, the life I came to live would not have come to pass. Buy this shirt:  46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt Just two years later, Baldwin III died and Amalric ascended the 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this throne – but only on the condition that he set aside his wife (Baldwin’s mother) Agnes de Courtney. Agnes was duly disposed of, but Amalric’s children of his marriage, two-year-old Baldwin and his year-older sister Sibylla, were explicitly recognized as legitimate. They remained at court with their father. In 1167, Amalric remarried, this time to the Byzantine Princess Maria Comnena. The tradition continues to the present and the Netherlands sends 20,000 bulbs to Canada each year. They became the inspiration for Ottawa’s annual Tulip Festival which attracts more than 600,000 visitors a year. It is one of the world’s largest tulip festivals, displaying almost three million tulips in venues across the city. Along the Rideau Canal alone, the city’s gardeners set more than 300,000 tulip bulbs each year. The results were not good. While the Saracens eventually withdrew, they had managed to do considerable damage and the barons of Jerusalem returned in a rebellious mood. The news that the key castle of Kerak was under siege (with both Princess of Jerusalem, the Queen Mother, and the Dowager Queen all trapped inside for a wedding) should have triggered the immediate dispatch of a major relief force. Instead, the High Court (allegedly unanimously) refused to follow Guy de Lusignan anywhere. Part of the “something drastic” turned out to be aircraft from the RAF’s Bomber Command tasked to deliver food supplies to the Dutch people during the so-called Hunger Winter. During ‘Operation Manna’, Lancaster bombers dropped food over cities and towns across Holland. I am not one to dance often, because I possess no detectable rhythm and tend to look like a mentally incompetent twat on a dance floor. So I’ll usually just do it to please someone for a couple of songs, get through it, sit down and call it done for a year or hopefully much longer. But sometimes the devil gets inside and I dance like my clothes are full of murder hornets. And this was what I did. At about this same time, Baldwin was diagnosed with leprosy by his tutor William, later Archbishop of Tyre. According to Tyre, leprosy first manifested itself as a lack of feeling in Baldwin’s right hand. However, Baldwin retained the use of his other limbs and did not suffer from noticeable disfigurement. His illness was initially kept quiet. Buy this shirt:  41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt After a month of constant wedding questions, I started to feel like I was being smothered – I picked a wedding date a year and a half away thinking that maybe if we had a long time to plan, my mom and future MIL would stop bombarding me. Nope, the 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this questions kept coming. I am more of a last-minute decision kind of girl, so having to answer questions about centerpieces and mother of the groom dress colors so far ahead of schedule (or ever) brought me to a level of anxiety I had never experienced before, and I am a naturally anxious person. She came out of the starting gate completely furious. No, build-up. Like Regan’s demons in the Exorcist or a drunk Mel Gibson ranting at his wife. She was close to incoherently raging. She attacked me on many levels and cursed at me numerous times. All the while, they excuse or handwave away the ways we’re already heading toward a more broken system akin to Venezuela’s: incompetent and corrupt leadership, crony capitalism, paramilitary forces unaccountable to We The People and more. The deceased always came in through a back door off the parking lot and from there the gurneys were rolled down a narrow hallway to an elevator that took them downstairs to the prep room. (The elevator was across the hall and down a few feet from the lunchroom). This was also the hallway where new caskets/coffins were delivered to be taken downstairs to be put in the display rooms. My friend is a graduate of a rather well-known culinary school in Philadelphia and has worked at high-end hotels and restaurants in the city and suburbs. Unfortunately, these are sometimes high-paced, high-pressure jobs, especially during events and dinner service. During these times, he would often experience anxiety attacks and would have thoughts about suicide and harming himself, at which time, he would get pulled off the line. Additionally, he needed to leave work early or come in late once a week, due to scheduled therapy sessions. It wasn’t just my mother and MIL’s questions driving me nuts, either. We wanted a small, backyard wedding. My mother thought that was tacky and insisted that we have our wedding at a respectable venue. We were paying for the wedding on our own, and when I looked into the places my mother considered “respectable”, I almost choked when I saw how expensive they were! My boyfriend and I looked at one place that wouldn’t break the bank too badly, and it seemed nice enough and wasn’t far from our house, so we booked it. One item down at least! She brought up that I had mentioned the scale concerning her pain in life as if I had made a terrible sin and she mocked it. She never finished a thought so I was not sure what her issue was about the scale or anything else. Mostly she called me names. Ironically legislation passed and signed off under the Clinton administration (Yes!) is responsible not only for the crisis but also for future bail-outs (that will be coming) to be financed by the taxpayer (which is a Republican add-on). Buy this shirt:  27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt   I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt I got a phone call from him from prison. I said, “Who is this?” But I knew exactly who it was. I’m not sure why I still asked though. He answered me saying, “Your brother.” I was still mad as hell, and I replied, “I don’t have a brother.” Then I hung up on him as he was saying, “No, wait for sis…” Before choosing any of those technologies, get your JavaScript skills to an appropriate level. If you are looking for resources to learn JavaScript, check out this answer. You should have at least heard about the Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt and I love this following topics: The whole house was a wreck. But my mother-in-law’s bathroom was worse than any filthy gas station bathroom I’ve ever seen. The floors were black from filth. The bidet and toilet hadn’t been cleaned as well and the whole bathroom reeked of urine. I couldn’t let her live that way so I got on my hands and knees, I’m disabled by the way, and scrubbed that whole bathroom top to bottom. It took hours, several rolls of paper towels, several bottles of cleaning supplies….when her daughter got home she pretended not to notice. I was literally in severe pain too and it was blown off. This was my ex-mother in law who never treated me well but someone needed to treat her humane because her own kids wouldn’t. After that, I cut all ties with my former sister in law who over the years I stuck close by especially when she lost a child, my niece, in 2011. I’d go to her several times a week and sit with her, bring wine, lunch. My own sister even offered to give her a very large sum of money for her daughter’s headstone… good deed goes unpunished and the level of humiliation I felt has brought me to this point. When I had started a job working acute medicine we had to transfer patients up to other wards, and most of the time I would do it myself instead of waiting for a porter because it was just quicker. Walked past a room of a patient I didn’t know in this other ward. Buy this shirt:  Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt I was in my late 20s, we were all together at a special holiday brunch for a family reunion. While waiting to be seated, my dad encouraged me to get my fortune told by the Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this fortune teller in the lobby. I’d never done that before but he’d offered to pay and the others were encouraging me to do it. What the heck, I thought. I sat in front of her and she’d looked deeply into my eyes and then examined my hand. She’d told me I would have a child soon (this had brought tears to my eyes because I’d had a miscarriage the year before, but what I hadn’t known at the time was that I conceived my oldest son that month without trying hmm), and other truly insightful things. The strangest part, though, was that she’d said I would one day have an entire collection of shoes. So many shoes and nobody else would understand why. At the time, that part had seemed so ridiculous! I had sandals, tennies, and a pair of heels and that was all! Even the outfit I had on that day was the previous year’s (or 2 or 3 years’) style. I couldn’t imagine buying more than the bare minimum for myself. We all had a good laugh about it. My mom is and almost always has been a bitch. She and my stepdad treated me like shit. I’ve been told that they wouldn’t be surprised if I reached 600 pounds because of how much I ate. I weighed 120. And my weight stays the same no matter what I do. Once in therapy, I did talk about my childhood memory of my parents fighting about money and how expensive my sport was and how much they spent on me. I tried asking my mom about it after I came to understand its impact on me. Buy this shirt:  Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was almost forced to eat rat poison. I’ve had to witness a couple of other people getting abused, too. I’ve been threatened with a lawsuit for not giving them money for my medical bills when I was a minor. I’ve been threatened to have my hand cut off with a saw. I considered suicide at the Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this age of 12. I’ve been beaten with my leg braces. I’ve also been called dumb, stupid, lazy. I have cerebral palsy, which they know about. All by the same people: my mom and stepdad. My husband and I eventually reached a point of financial stability so I was able to spend money on myself. I started by buying some shoes on deep clearance-boots, then heels, then tall boots… At the end of each season, I’d find a great pair of shoes on a deep discount and it absolutely thrilled me to have a new pair of shoes!! About five years ago, my husband built an extra closet in our bedroom for my shoes. He’s a great woodworker and it blends into the room perfectly-shelves and shelves of shoes behind extra-tall double doors. The fortune teller was only wrong about one little detail: nobody but my awesome husband understands why I have so many shoes. There are various competing accounts about exactly how it happened, but in any case, Burroughs came to the reluctant conclusion that at the moment of shooting the pistol, he had become possessed by what he called ‘the Ugly Spirit’, and that he was condemned to spend the rest of his life trying to evade the efforts of the Ugly Spirit to take control of his actions and make him do bad things. It’s clear to me, at any rate, that this was Burroughs’ way of dealing with the crushing guilt he felt about Joan’s death. It doesn’t really fit the category of revenge, but it was satisfying all the same. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of terrible neighbors. Buy this shirt:  Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt and by the same token and party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. Either way, her behavior was not suitable for someone of her age and in her position, and I don’t believe even the most ardent fan could condone either what she did, or what she said. I told him something with low miles and under $10,000. Not a super exciting day for him but he knew our old car was dead and that we needed something the same day. He immediately replied that he only had 1 car that fit the bill. We go outside and are handed the keys to a Focus they had just gotten in with around 40,000 miles. They hadn’t even had it detailed yet so this was very new on the lot. More miles than I wanted but I figured the price would be even less than I was looking for so what the heck. My wife and I go for a test drive sans salesman. While driving it I noticed that the car seemed to be shaking and was rough at lower speeds. Something was definitely not right especially for a car with only 40,000 miles It had the CVT transmission (we got the car from my father after he was done with it so the transmission wasn’t my choice, hey, free car!) and it finally died on us. I knew it was coming but there is only so much you can do as a young couple who has recently relocated and are still paying down student loans. We started hitting the dealerships in town. I knew exactly what my out the door price had to be to get me the payments I could afford and I also knew what my financing rate should be since I had already called my bank and had confirmation of their best rate if I went with them. Buy this shirt:  My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt I offered to run her to class since the John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt in contrast I will get this college was on my way to work. This was before cell phones so, I promised her I’d call her father for her and let him know where to get her car too. The dog-blanket kept in my car worked great to stop her shoes from muddying the passenger floorboard. She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud. About a year later, one of my foster kids decided to dump fish tank gravel into the kitchen sink garbage disposal and turn it on. I called “Royal Flush Plumbing” randomly from the telephone book and they came out to give me an estimate to fix it all. An older, chubby, gentleman, slightly out of breath, showed up and climbed up under my sink to investigate the damages. As with the phones, they want their laptops slimmed down, but somehow more screen-dominant at the same time, which has led to a bezel-free screen design arms race among laptop manufacturers. Webcams, generally housed at the top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Buy this shirt:  John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt I just knew that the FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt besides I will buy this situation looked dodgy. A partner of a woman I knew, looking all disheveled, emerging from the side door of a pub, at 6.45 am with a woman half-naked that is hanging out of the upstairs window and shouting innuendos so to speak to him. A woman who is renowned for sleeping with customers. No, I did not say something. I kept out of it. I had my own issues to deal with. So I got a four feet long piece of 18-inch paper, soaked it for a couple of hours and then placed it emulsion side down on his windshield, his car is parked at the foot of my garden making access very easy. I was shocked and exhausted but also a little excited. She was the first baby. None of us knew how you were meant to behave so all my friends came round. And stayed. And stayed. And finally, I worked up the courage to ask them to leave. My sister said `but it´s only nine o´clock` a bit cross as she left and I fell into an exhausted sleep with no supper. A lot more people visited us that day. And so it went on. Harry, as Captain-General of the Royal Marines, did not attend the memorial that paid tribute to the 11 servicemen killed by the IRA in 1989. I have no idea what excuse he gave to the Marines but he can’t have claimed illness as, instead, he went with Meghan to the Disney premiere of The Lion King. Quite apart from the fact that Harry was prepared to give up a long-standing and important engagement as a royal, what kind of wife would expect her husband not to honor such an event? Well, I was working in the photo industry then and mentioned this “parking space war” to some colleagues and was advised that photo paper when well soaked in water and placed face down on a surface and allowed to dry sticks like poop to a blanket. Buy this shirt:  FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt He proposed to me on the 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this evening of December 8th, 2002. We had been dating for 6 years, lived together for 3, and had recently bought a house together, so this engagement was not a surprise, but it was very exciting to think about our wedding. We decided to keep our happy news to ourselves for the night and just enjoy a quiet evening together. The first time I heard her voice was a message that she left on my phone. I listened to it and she listed allot of terrible things that had happened to her throughout her life. These included losing parents and family members and her father from murder and grandparents too and there were other terrible things that I can no longer remember. Not all Americans; but the reason why many Americans think the US would become socialist by offering universal healthcare of any kind, even a tightly-regulated multipayer system like Germany’s, is propaganda. The fire was starting to get out of hand before people grabbed some fire extinguishers and put it out. But the damage had been done. Much of the wooden wainscotting of the wall on the lunchroom side had to be pulled off to get at the insulation and make sure that the fire was out as did whatever the wall was made from on the other side. (The building was over 100 years old – I think it may even have been on the TV show called ‘Murdoch Mysteries’ if you know of it) so there was no fire-retardant drywall, just wood frame, and wood wainscotting. if she had such a huge fear of dead bodies I don’t understand why she applied to work at a funeral home. Sure, the hostesses usually spent their time around the kitchen and the reception rooms upstairs but you’d think that at least once in a while they’d expect to be elsewhere on the premises, if for nothing else then to go to the employee lunchroom. The next day we called our families to share our engagement news, and all hell broke loose. My mother, the queen of all narcissists, immediately started grilling me for wedding details: When? Where? How many bridesmaids? What color linens? Was I going to make sure my future mother-in-law wore a different color dress than hers at the wedding? She then went on to tell me how successful she was in spite of it all and told me that she had a 4.0 average in college. She talked about other great things about herself. It was allotted to take in right out of the box from someone I never met. They have been told by their trusted leaders and opinionators that single-payer means socialism and that we will end up like Venezuela. These leaders and opinionators use lies, damned lies, cherry-picked statistics, and apocryphal stories to tell their followers it’s a horror show in all these other countries. Except that the torch the plumber used for the soldering ended up setting the insulation on fire between the walls. Buy this shirt:  10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White I went back to my home state the I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White in addition I really love this next day. I didn’t talk to my mother for a month. When I did it was only to inform her that she let my sister treat me in a reprehensible manner. I was tired of being treated like a child when I went to visit. That I’m only given three weeks vacation a year, and I have an entire world to visit. Year after year I would set aside some time to visit them. I told her I was absolutely done doing that. But I could’ve spent that time and money seeing something beautiful, and staying at a nice hotel, where people would be nice to me. Instead, as she knew, I spent the Four days getting yelled at and screamed at. There were other things to Dash my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephews baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern of preparation that I was coming to visit. four days getting yelled and screamed at. There were other things too – my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephew’s baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern and preparation that I was coming to visit. Two months later, after I’d started a much better job, I get a call from the VP, telling me that the production of this product had stopped, and he asked my advice about their problems. I politely told him that I’d left very specifically, detailed instructions as to how to build the product, and they must have deviated from my instructions somewhere. I told him that my new job was all-consuming, and I could not help them with a detailed review and remedy. FWIW, they couldn’t build the product and had to shut it down completely. Buy this shirt:  I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt This particular time, my older sister insisted on coming with us. She is less calm and collected than my mother, lacking anything that one could call coping mechanisms. She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt in other words I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie “Woman of the Year,” there is a scene in which someone talks down to the character played by Katherine Hepburn. “Careful,” Spencer Tracy says “You are in over your head.” This story reminds of that moment: This man was either mentally ill or on drugs (or both) but his movements were so quick, jerky and erratic that as he once again reached to the back of his pants, jerked up to the window of the car and flung his hand around the two of us reacted in unison. I started to dip down to the floor of the car, hoping to shield under the glovebox. The officer had his hand on his gun and it halfway out of the holster before we realized the man was simply jerking his hands around for no reason. The officer asked him to just keep his hands visible and the man apologized. He was extremely nervous and erratic. Buy this shirt:  Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt Asl I love you shirt The other main issue was scheduling. They knew I was in school but put me for overnights. I hated it but partway through they stopped staying open all night so I figured it wasn’t an issue. Then they reversed that a couple of months later and re-opened all night again. I reminded them I was in school but they scheduled me another overnight. At this point, they had just given me my second review (also late) which I apparently bombed (yet they wouldn’t fire me…) and I was also approaching my final exams which I really needed to do well on… so I basically said eff this, walked in on an off day, handed in a bag with all my uniform stuff, and said I’m done. A good friend of mine in college was a very big man…like 6 foot 6, 290 pounds, all solid muscle, and bone. Tom got started working out with his dad at about age four. He could bench press over 700 pounds and used a chunk of shock absorber coil off a car as a “hand squeeze”. . My husband had cancer we went to his oncology appt he was feeling poorly and the Asl I love you shirt in other words I will buy this doctor said he looked worse then he had ever seen in six years we had been going there. He had one of his nurses take us to the hospital through the connecting tunnel. On the word of the oncologist, they admitted him right away. They found that he was septic. The doctor came in and said you are septic you need emergency surgery. You have two choices you can have the surgery in the next ten minutes or you can choose not to have surgery and you will die within 48 hrs. When you are dying they give you the option to live or die. As miserable as he had been he opted for surgery and lived another year. My ex-wife and I had moved in a few months prior. The apartments were okay, but the complex was massive and the units were cookie-cutter. The tenants were very diverse from a cultural and economic perspective. Many worked at Intel down the road and made enough to buy a house after a year or two. Others worked in the service industry and stayed quite a bit longer. For the most part, the turnover was high and people didn’t know their neighbors. It never failed to amaze me the number of idiots who wanted to “prove” themselves in some kind of macho insanity. My buddy was really even-tempered and never tried to start anything, but there always seemed to be another idiot… You need to get the youngest son out of the house and away from the older brother and sit the youngest son down and ask him what’s going on. Buy this shirt:  Asl I love you shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt What happens is that when a mother lets go of her son in a healthy manner, a new type of relationship forms with mom and son. It’s still a warm relationship, but it changes. Or it should. My married son (one of four sons) now has four children and is busy with his work and care of his home. But he calls me to chat, ask how I and his dad are, asks about his younger sister. I went with when he asked for my parents’ blessing. I was still living with my parents and was looking for a job opportunity in my husband’s home town (we had been long distance up until that point). We both laid out our plans and finances together, as we are a team. I never got the 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this idea of the ‘surprise’ engagement – certainly there are things to discuss before taking that step that would ‘ruin’ the surprise? But there’s more! I never received a W2 from them and, an improvident artist that I am hadn’t a clue as to how much money I’d made above or below the table. I called the IRS with my problem; they were very interested and told me to make a good faith effort to get in touch with the officers of the company. Of course, she overthrew him and became Catherine the Great. Not a very good first try, but the monarchy persevered, and the following princesses were not that rebellious. I signed up with a temp agency the next day and a few days later received a phone call from them. “We have the perfect position for you! It’s a small financial planning company where they need clerical work and Wang word processing.” My old company. I called my friend at the office and told her what had happened. She checked with Bob, who told her it would be weird to have me back, so I called the temp agency and told them it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take the job since it was my former employer. I didn’t tell them that if they placed someone there, they’d never get paid. They found me a different position within a day or two, and then my friend called again: Bob had thought about it and it made sense for me to come back. I told her it was too late, I’d found something else. You’ll probably find that the Queen does not wear the Koh-i-Noor in either of the two crowns worn since in the United Kingdom since 1953 (the Crown of St Edward with which was formally crowned at her coronation, or the Imperial State Crown, worn after the coronation and only annually at the State Opening of Parliament). Buy this shirt:  54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt She told me all about that adventure, that she was almost out of money and was either heading back to Sweden to figure out her life or would try to get a job on a yacht as a cook. In 1174, Baldwin’s father died unexpectedly. Baldwin was elected King by the 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories shirt it is in the first place but High Court of Jerusalem despite the fact that other crown vassals afflicted with leprosy were required to join the Knights of St. Lazarus. Being still a minor (13) at the time of his father’s death, the Kingdom was placed in the care of a regent, Raymond of Tripoli, himself a descendant of Baldwin II and one of the most powerful barons in the crusader states. Notably, at this time Baldwin could still move and above all ride, without apparent impediment indeed contemporary accounts stress that he was an exceptional horseman able to control his horse perfectly at a full gallop. Quite a few times. I ignore my gut, my brain kicks in and I exit. This year I would say that’s happened 20 times in 50 trades?! It’s a lot to do with the fact that I’m uncertain. With regard to an oil trade it did during lockdown, I didn’t just stay in, but I tripled-down on the position and that made me £830 profit on top of a £500 trade. But that was 100% clear to me that everything was in place to do that. Same re: Boeing when that was around £125. but if there’s anything remotely messy about the trade I’ll balls it up and bail. I kissed her, then a few days later, moved in. She later told me she’d seen me walk in with the gay German and assumed I was his lover. Would’ve been better of me to realize a touch sooner that the German was in fact gay, and gay looking, and that people assumed I was too, due to my hanging with him. But I was young, and a doofus. Anyway, had I not asked her to dance, the life I came to live would not have come to pass. Buy this shirt:  46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt Just two years later, Baldwin III died and Amalric ascended the 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this throne – but only on the condition that he set aside his wife (Baldwin’s mother) Agnes de Courtney. Agnes was duly disposed of, but Amalric’s children of his marriage, two-year-old Baldwin and his year-older sister Sibylla, were explicitly recognized as legitimate. They remained at court with their father. In 1167, Amalric remarried, this time to the Byzantine Princess Maria Comnena. The tradition continues to the present and the Netherlands sends 20,000 bulbs to Canada each year. They became the inspiration for Ottawa’s annual Tulip Festival which attracts more than 600,000 visitors a year. It is one of the world’s largest tulip festivals, displaying almost three million tulips in venues across the city. Along the Rideau Canal alone, the city’s gardeners set more than 300,000 tulip bulbs each year. The results were not good. While the Saracens eventually withdrew, they had managed to do considerable damage and the barons of Jerusalem returned in a rebellious mood. The news that the key castle of Kerak was under siege (with both Princess of Jerusalem, the Queen Mother, and the Dowager Queen all trapped inside for a wedding) should have triggered the immediate dispatch of a major relief force. Instead, the High Court (allegedly unanimously) refused to follow Guy de Lusignan anywhere. Part of the “something drastic” turned out to be aircraft from the RAF’s Bomber Command tasked to deliver food supplies to the Dutch people during the so-called Hunger Winter. During ‘Operation Manna’, Lancaster bombers dropped food over cities and towns across Holland. I am not one to dance often, because I possess no detectable rhythm and tend to look like a mentally incompetent twat on a dance floor. So I’ll usually just do it to please someone for a couple of songs, get through it, sit down and call it done for a year or hopefully much longer. But sometimes the devil gets inside and I dance like my clothes are full of murder hornets. And this was what I did. At about this same time, Baldwin was diagnosed with leprosy by his tutor William, later Archbishop of Tyre. According to Tyre, leprosy first manifested itself as a lack of feeling in Baldwin’s right hand. However, Baldwin retained the use of his other limbs and did not suffer from noticeable disfigurement. His illness was initially kept quiet. Buy this shirt:  41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt After a month of constant wedding questions, I started to feel like I was being smothered – I picked a wedding date a year and a half away thinking that maybe if we had a long time to plan, my mom and future MIL would stop bombarding me. Nope, the 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this questions kept coming. I am more of a last-minute decision kind of girl, so having to answer questions about centerpieces and mother of the groom dress colors so far ahead of schedule (or ever) brought me to a level of anxiety I had never experienced before, and I am a naturally anxious person. She came out of the starting gate completely furious. No, build-up. Like Regan’s demons in the Exorcist or a drunk Mel Gibson ranting at his wife. She was close to incoherently raging. She attacked me on many levels and cursed at me numerous times. All the while, they excuse or handwave away the ways we’re already heading toward a more broken system akin to Venezuela’s: incompetent and corrupt leadership, crony capitalism, paramilitary forces unaccountable to We The People and more. The deceased always came in through a back door off the parking lot and from there the gurneys were rolled down a narrow hallway to an elevator that took them downstairs to the prep room. (The elevator was across the hall and down a few feet from the lunchroom). This was also the hallway where new caskets/coffins were delivered to be taken downstairs to be put in the display rooms. My friend is a graduate of a rather well-known culinary school in Philadelphia and has worked at high-end hotels and restaurants in the city and suburbs. Unfortunately, these are sometimes high-paced, high-pressure jobs, especially during events and dinner service. During these times, he would often experience anxiety attacks and would have thoughts about suicide and harming himself, at which time, he would get pulled off the line. Additionally, he needed to leave work early or come in late once a week, due to scheduled therapy sessions. It wasn’t just my mother and MIL’s questions driving me nuts, either. We wanted a small, backyard wedding. My mother thought that was tacky and insisted that we have our wedding at a respectable venue. We were paying for the wedding on our own, and when I looked into the places my mother considered “respectable”, I almost choked when I saw how expensive they were! My boyfriend and I looked at one place that wouldn’t break the bank too badly, and it seemed nice enough and wasn’t far from our house, so we booked it. One item down at least! She brought up that I had mentioned the scale concerning her pain in life as if I had made a terrible sin and she mocked it. She never finished a thought so I was not sure what her issue was about the scale or anything else. Mostly she called me names. Ironically legislation passed and signed off under the Clinton administration (Yes!) is responsible not only for the crisis but also for future bail-outs (that will be coming) to be financed by the taxpayer (which is a Republican add-on). Buy this shirt:  27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt  

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 1

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 1

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 2

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 2

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I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 3

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 4

I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White - from 4

Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt I got a phone call from him from prison. I said, “Who is this?” But I knew exactly who it was. I’m not sure why I still asked though. He answered me saying, “Your brother.” I was still mad as hell, and I replied, “I don’t have a brother.” Then I hung up on him as he was saying, “No, wait for sis…” Before choosing any of those technologies, get your JavaScript skills to an appropriate level. If you are looking for resources to learn JavaScript, check out this answer. You should have at least heard about the Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt and I love this following topics: The whole house was a wreck. But my mother-in-law’s bathroom was worse than any filthy gas station bathroom I’ve ever seen. The floors were black from filth. The bidet and toilet hadn’t been cleaned as well and the whole bathroom reeked of urine. I couldn’t let her live that way so I got on my hands and knees, I’m disabled by the way, and scrubbed that whole bathroom top to bottom. It took hours, several rolls of paper towels, several bottles of cleaning supplies….when her daughter got home she pretended not to notice. I was literally in severe pain too and it was blown off. This was my ex-mother in law who never treated me well but someone needed to treat her humane because her own kids wouldn’t. After that, I cut all ties with my former sister in law who over the years I stuck close by especially when she lost a child, my niece, in 2011. I’d go to her several times a week and sit with her, bring wine, lunch. My own sister even offered to give her a very large sum of money for her daughter’s headstone… good deed goes unpunished and the level of humiliation I felt has brought me to this point. When I had started a job working acute medicine we had to transfer patients up to other wards, and most of the time I would do it myself instead of waiting for a porter because it was just quicker. Walked past a room of a patient I didn’t know in this other ward. Buy this shirt:  Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt I was in my late 20s, we were all together at a special holiday brunch for a family reunion. While waiting to be seated, my dad encouraged me to get my fortune told by the Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this fortune teller in the lobby. I’d never done that before but he’d offered to pay and the others were encouraging me to do it. What the heck, I thought. I sat in front of her and she’d looked deeply into my eyes and then examined my hand. She’d told me I would have a child soon (this had brought tears to my eyes because I’d had a miscarriage the year before, but what I hadn’t known at the time was that I conceived my oldest son that month without trying hmm), and other truly insightful things. The strangest part, though, was that she’d said I would one day have an entire collection of shoes. So many shoes and nobody else would understand why. At the time, that part had seemed so ridiculous! I had sandals, tennies, and a pair of heels and that was all! Even the outfit I had on that day was the previous year’s (or 2 or 3 years’) style. I couldn’t imagine buying more than the bare minimum for myself. We all had a good laugh about it. My mom is and almost always has been a bitch. She and my stepdad treated me like shit. I’ve been told that they wouldn’t be surprised if I reached 600 pounds because of how much I ate. I weighed 120. And my weight stays the same no matter what I do. Once in therapy, I did talk about my childhood memory of my parents fighting about money and how expensive my sport was and how much they spent on me. I tried asking my mom about it after I came to understand its impact on me. Buy this shirt:  Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was almost forced to eat rat poison. I’ve had to witness a couple of other people getting abused, too. I’ve been threatened with a lawsuit for not giving them money for my medical bills when I was a minor. I’ve been threatened to have my hand cut off with a saw. I considered suicide at the Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this age of 12. I’ve been beaten with my leg braces. I’ve also been called dumb, stupid, lazy. I have cerebral palsy, which they know about. All by the same people: my mom and stepdad. My husband and I eventually reached a point of financial stability so I was able to spend money on myself. I started by buying some shoes on deep clearance-boots, then heels, then tall boots… At the end of each season, I’d find a great pair of shoes on a deep discount and it absolutely thrilled me to have a new pair of shoes!! About five years ago, my husband built an extra closet in our bedroom for my shoes. He’s a great woodworker and it blends into the room perfectly-shelves and shelves of shoes behind extra-tall double doors. The fortune teller was only wrong about one little detail: nobody but my awesome husband understands why I have so many shoes. There are various competing accounts about exactly how it happened, but in any case, Burroughs came to the reluctant conclusion that at the moment of shooting the pistol, he had become possessed by what he called ‘the Ugly Spirit’, and that he was condemned to spend the rest of his life trying to evade the efforts of the Ugly Spirit to take control of his actions and make him do bad things. It’s clear to me, at any rate, that this was Burroughs’ way of dealing with the crushing guilt he felt about Joan’s death. It doesn’t really fit the category of revenge, but it was satisfying all the same. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of terrible neighbors. Buy this shirt:  Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt and by the same token and party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. Either way, her behavior was not suitable for someone of her age and in her position, and I don’t believe even the most ardent fan could condone either what she did, or what she said. I told him something with low miles and under $10,000. Not a super exciting day for him but he knew our old car was dead and that we needed something the same day. He immediately replied that he only had 1 car that fit the bill. We go outside and are handed the keys to a Focus they had just gotten in with around 40,000 miles. They hadn’t even had it detailed yet so this was very new on the lot. More miles than I wanted but I figured the price would be even less than I was looking for so what the heck. My wife and I go for a test drive sans salesman. While driving it I noticed that the car seemed to be shaking and was rough at lower speeds. Something was definitely not right especially for a car with only 40,000 miles It had the CVT transmission (we got the car from my father after he was done with it so the transmission wasn’t my choice, hey, free car!) and it finally died on us. I knew it was coming but there is only so much you can do as a young couple who has recently relocated and are still paying down student loans. We started hitting the dealerships in town. I knew exactly what my out the door price had to be to get me the payments I could afford and I also knew what my financing rate should be since I had already called my bank and had confirmation of their best rate if I went with them. Buy this shirt:  My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt I offered to run her to class since the John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt in contrast I will get this college was on my way to work. This was before cell phones so, I promised her I’d call her father for her and let him know where to get her car too. The dog-blanket kept in my car worked great to stop her shoes from muddying the passenger floorboard. She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud. About a year later, one of my foster kids decided to dump fish tank gravel into the kitchen sink garbage disposal and turn it on. I called “Royal Flush Plumbing” randomly from the telephone book and they came out to give me an estimate to fix it all. An older, chubby, gentleman, slightly out of breath, showed up and climbed up under my sink to investigate the damages. As with the phones, they want their laptops slimmed down, but somehow more screen-dominant at the same time, which has led to a bezel-free screen design arms race among laptop manufacturers. Webcams, generally housed at the top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Buy this shirt:  John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt I just knew that the FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt besides I will buy this situation looked dodgy. A partner of a woman I knew, looking all disheveled, emerging from the side door of a pub, at 6.45 am with a woman half-naked that is hanging out of the upstairs window and shouting innuendos so to speak to him. A woman who is renowned for sleeping with customers. No, I did not say something. I kept out of it. I had my own issues to deal with. So I got a four feet long piece of 18-inch paper, soaked it for a couple of hours and then placed it emulsion side down on his windshield, his car is parked at the foot of my garden making access very easy. I was shocked and exhausted but also a little excited. She was the first baby. None of us knew how you were meant to behave so all my friends came round. And stayed. And stayed. And finally, I worked up the courage to ask them to leave. My sister said `but it´s only nine o´clock` a bit cross as she left and I fell into an exhausted sleep with no supper. A lot more people visited us that day. And so it went on. Harry, as Captain-General of the Royal Marines, did not attend the memorial that paid tribute to the 11 servicemen killed by the IRA in 1989. I have no idea what excuse he gave to the Marines but he can’t have claimed illness as, instead, he went with Meghan to the Disney premiere of The Lion King. Quite apart from the fact that Harry was prepared to give up a long-standing and important engagement as a royal, what kind of wife would expect her husband not to honor such an event? Well, I was working in the photo industry then and mentioned this “parking space war” to some colleagues and was advised that photo paper when well soaked in water and placed face down on a surface and allowed to dry sticks like poop to a blanket. Buy this shirt:  FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt He proposed to me on the 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this evening of December 8th, 2002. We had been dating for 6 years, lived together for 3, and had recently bought a house together, so this engagement was not a surprise, but it was very exciting to think about our wedding. We decided to keep our happy news to ourselves for the night and just enjoy a quiet evening together. The first time I heard her voice was a message that she left on my phone. I listened to it and she listed allot of terrible things that had happened to her throughout her life. These included losing parents and family members and her father from murder and grandparents too and there were other terrible things that I can no longer remember. Not all Americans; but the reason why many Americans think the US would become socialist by offering universal healthcare of any kind, even a tightly-regulated multipayer system like Germany’s, is propaganda. The fire was starting to get out of hand before people grabbed some fire extinguishers and put it out. But the damage had been done. Much of the wooden wainscotting of the wall on the lunchroom side had to be pulled off to get at the insulation and make sure that the fire was out as did whatever the wall was made from on the other side. (The building was over 100 years old – I think it may even have been on the TV show called ‘Murdoch Mysteries’ if you know of it) so there was no fire-retardant drywall, just wood frame, and wood wainscotting. if she had such a huge fear of dead bodies I don’t understand why she applied to work at a funeral home. Sure, the hostesses usually spent their time around the kitchen and the reception rooms upstairs but you’d think that at least once in a while they’d expect to be elsewhere on the premises, if for nothing else then to go to the employee lunchroom. The next day we called our families to share our engagement news, and all hell broke loose. My mother, the queen of all narcissists, immediately started grilling me for wedding details: When? Where? How many bridesmaids? What color linens? Was I going to make sure my future mother-in-law wore a different color dress than hers at the wedding? She then went on to tell me how successful she was in spite of it all and told me that she had a 4.0 average in college. She talked about other great things about herself. It was allotted to take in right out of the box from someone I never met. They have been told by their trusted leaders and opinionators that single-payer means socialism and that we will end up like Venezuela. These leaders and opinionators use lies, damned lies, cherry-picked statistics, and apocryphal stories to tell their followers it’s a horror show in all these other countries. Except that the torch the plumber used for the soldering ended up setting the insulation on fire between the walls. Buy this shirt:  10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White I went back to my home state the I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White in addition I really love this next day. I didn’t talk to my mother for a month. When I did it was only to inform her that she let my sister treat me in a reprehensible manner. I was tired of being treated like a child when I went to visit. That I’m only given three weeks vacation a year, and I have an entire world to visit. Year after year I would set aside some time to visit them. I told her I was absolutely done doing that. But I could’ve spent that time and money seeing something beautiful, and staying at a nice hotel, where people would be nice to me. Instead, as she knew, I spent the Four days getting yelled at and screamed at. There were other things to Dash my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephews baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern of preparation that I was coming to visit. four days getting yelled and screamed at. There were other things too – my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephew’s baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern and preparation that I was coming to visit. Two months later, after I’d started a much better job, I get a call from the VP, telling me that the production of this product had stopped, and he asked my advice about their problems. I politely told him that I’d left very specifically, detailed instructions as to how to build the product, and they must have deviated from my instructions somewhere. I told him that my new job was all-consuming, and I could not help them with a detailed review and remedy. FWIW, they couldn’t build the product and had to shut it down completely. Buy this shirt:  I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt This particular time, my older sister insisted on coming with us. She is less calm and collected than my mother, lacking anything that one could call coping mechanisms. She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt in other words I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie “Woman of the Year,” there is a scene in which someone talks down to the character played by Katherine Hepburn. “Careful,” Spencer Tracy says “You are in over your head.” This story reminds of that moment: This man was either mentally ill or on drugs (or both) but his movements were so quick, jerky and erratic that as he once again reached to the back of his pants, jerked up to the window of the car and flung his hand around the two of us reacted in unison. I started to dip down to the floor of the car, hoping to shield under the glovebox. The officer had his hand on his gun and it halfway out of the holster before we realized the man was simply jerking his hands around for no reason. The officer asked him to just keep his hands visible and the man apologized. He was extremely nervous and erratic. Buy this shirt:  Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt Asl I love you shirt The other main issue was scheduling. They knew I was in school but put me for overnights. I hated it but partway through they stopped staying open all night so I figured it wasn’t an issue. Then they reversed that a couple of months later and re-opened all night again. I reminded them I was in school but they scheduled me another overnight. At this point, they had just given me my second review (also late) which I apparently bombed (yet they wouldn’t fire me…) and I was also approaching my final exams which I really needed to do well on… so I basically said eff this, walked in on an off day, handed in a bag with all my uniform stuff, and said I’m done. A good friend of mine in college was a very big man…like 6 foot 6, 290 pounds, all solid muscle, and bone. Tom got started working out with his dad at about age four. He could bench press over 700 pounds and used a chunk of shock absorber coil off a car as a “hand squeeze”. . My husband had cancer we went to his oncology appt he was feeling poorly and the Asl I love you shirt in other words I will buy this doctor said he looked worse then he had ever seen in six years we had been going there. He had one of his nurses take us to the hospital through the connecting tunnel. On the word of the oncologist, they admitted him right away. They found that he was septic. The doctor came in and said you are septic you need emergency surgery. You have two choices you can have the surgery in the next ten minutes or you can choose not to have surgery and you will die within 48 hrs. When you are dying they give you the option to live or die. As miserable as he had been he opted for surgery and lived another year. My ex-wife and I had moved in a few months prior. The apartments were okay, but the complex was massive and the units were cookie-cutter. The tenants were very diverse from a cultural and economic perspective. Many worked at Intel down the road and made enough to buy a house after a year or two. Others worked in the service industry and stayed quite a bit longer. For the most part, the turnover was high and people didn’t know their neighbors. It never failed to amaze me the number of idiots who wanted to “prove” themselves in some kind of macho insanity. My buddy was really even-tempered and never tried to start anything, but there always seemed to be another idiot… You need to get the youngest son out of the house and away from the older brother and sit the youngest son down and ask him what’s going on. Buy this shirt:  Asl I love you shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt What happens is that when a mother lets go of her son in a healthy manner, a new type of relationship forms with mom and son. It’s still a warm relationship, but it changes. Or it should. My married son (one of four sons) now has four children and is busy with his work and care of his home. But he calls me to chat, ask how I and his dad are, asks about his younger sister. I went with when he asked for my parents’ blessing. I was still living with my parents and was looking for a job opportunity in my husband’s home town (we had been long distance up until that point). We both laid out our plans and finances together, as we are a team. I never got the 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this idea of the ‘surprise’ engagement – certainly there are things to discuss before taking that step that would ‘ruin’ the surprise? But there’s more! I never received a W2 from them and, an improvident artist that I am hadn’t a clue as to how much money I’d made above or below the table. I called the IRS with my problem; they were very interested and told me to make a good faith effort to get in touch with the officers of the company. Of course, she overthrew him and became Catherine the Great. Not a very good first try, but the monarchy persevered, and the following princesses were not that rebellious. I signed up with a temp agency the next day and a few days later received a phone call from them. “We have the perfect position for you! It’s a small financial planning company where they need clerical work and Wang word processing.” My old company. I called my friend at the office and told her what had happened. She checked with Bob, who told her it would be weird to have me back, so I called the temp agency and told them it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take the job since it was my former employer. I didn’t tell them that if they placed someone there, they’d never get paid. They found me a different position within a day or two, and then my friend called again: Bob had thought about it and it made sense for me to come back. I told her it was too late, I’d found something else. You’ll probably find that the Queen does not wear the Koh-i-Noor in either of the two crowns worn since in the United Kingdom since 1953 (the Crown of St Edward with which was formally crowned at her coronation, or the Imperial State Crown, worn after the coronation and only annually at the State Opening of Parliament). Buy this shirt:  54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt She told me all about that adventure, that she was almost out of money and was either heading back to Sweden to figure out her life or would try to get a job on a yacht as a cook. In 1174, Baldwin’s father died unexpectedly. Baldwin was elected King by the 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories shirt it is in the first place but High Court of Jerusalem despite the fact that other crown vassals afflicted with leprosy were required to join the Knights of St. Lazarus. Being still a minor (13) at the time of his father’s death, the Kingdom was placed in the care of a regent, Raymond of Tripoli, himself a descendant of Baldwin II and one of the most powerful barons in the crusader states. Notably, at this time Baldwin could still move and above all ride, without apparent impediment indeed contemporary accounts stress that he was an exceptional horseman able to control his horse perfectly at a full gallop. Quite a few times. I ignore my gut, my brain kicks in and I exit. This year I would say that’s happened 20 times in 50 trades?! It’s a lot to do with the fact that I’m uncertain. With regard to an oil trade it did during lockdown, I didn’t just stay in, but I tripled-down on the position and that made me £830 profit on top of a £500 trade. But that was 100% clear to me that everything was in place to do that. Same re: Boeing when that was around £125. but if there’s anything remotely messy about the trade I’ll balls it up and bail. I kissed her, then a few days later, moved in. She later told me she’d seen me walk in with the gay German and assumed I was his lover. Would’ve been better of me to realize a touch sooner that the German was in fact gay, and gay looking, and that people assumed I was too, due to my hanging with him. But I was young, and a doofus. Anyway, had I not asked her to dance, the life I came to live would not have come to pass. Buy this shirt:  46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt Just two years later, Baldwin III died and Amalric ascended the 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this throne – but only on the condition that he set aside his wife (Baldwin’s mother) Agnes de Courtney. Agnes was duly disposed of, but Amalric’s children of his marriage, two-year-old Baldwin and his year-older sister Sibylla, were explicitly recognized as legitimate. They remained at court with their father. In 1167, Amalric remarried, this time to the Byzantine Princess Maria Comnena. The tradition continues to the present and the Netherlands sends 20,000 bulbs to Canada each year. They became the inspiration for Ottawa’s annual Tulip Festival which attracts more than 600,000 visitors a year. It is one of the world’s largest tulip festivals, displaying almost three million tulips in venues across the city. Along the Rideau Canal alone, the city’s gardeners set more than 300,000 tulip bulbs each year. The results were not good. While the Saracens eventually withdrew, they had managed to do considerable damage and the barons of Jerusalem returned in a rebellious mood. The news that the key castle of Kerak was under siege (with both Princess of Jerusalem, the Queen Mother, and the Dowager Queen all trapped inside for a wedding) should have triggered the immediate dispatch of a major relief force. Instead, the High Court (allegedly unanimously) refused to follow Guy de Lusignan anywhere. Part of the “something drastic” turned out to be aircraft from the RAF’s Bomber Command tasked to deliver food supplies to the Dutch people during the so-called Hunger Winter. During ‘Operation Manna’, Lancaster bombers dropped food over cities and towns across Holland. I am not one to dance often, because I possess no detectable rhythm and tend to look like a mentally incompetent twat on a dance floor. So I’ll usually just do it to please someone for a couple of songs, get through it, sit down and call it done for a year or hopefully much longer. But sometimes the devil gets inside and I dance like my clothes are full of murder hornets. And this was what I did. At about this same time, Baldwin was diagnosed with leprosy by his tutor William, later Archbishop of Tyre. According to Tyre, leprosy first manifested itself as a lack of feeling in Baldwin’s right hand. However, Baldwin retained the use of his other limbs and did not suffer from noticeable disfigurement. His illness was initially kept quiet. Buy this shirt:  41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt After a month of constant wedding questions, I started to feel like I was being smothered – I picked a wedding date a year and a half away thinking that maybe if we had a long time to plan, my mom and future MIL would stop bombarding me. Nope, the 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this questions kept coming. I am more of a last-minute decision kind of girl, so having to answer questions about centerpieces and mother of the groom dress colors so far ahead of schedule (or ever) brought me to a level of anxiety I had never experienced before, and I am a naturally anxious person. She came out of the starting gate completely furious. No, build-up. Like Regan’s demons in the Exorcist or a drunk Mel Gibson ranting at his wife. She was close to incoherently raging. She attacked me on many levels and cursed at me numerous times. All the while, they excuse or handwave away the ways we’re already heading toward a more broken system akin to Venezuela’s: incompetent and corrupt leadership, crony capitalism, paramilitary forces unaccountable to We The People and more. The deceased always came in through a back door off the parking lot and from there the gurneys were rolled down a narrow hallway to an elevator that took them downstairs to the prep room. (The elevator was across the hall and down a few feet from the lunchroom). This was also the hallway where new caskets/coffins were delivered to be taken downstairs to be put in the display rooms. My friend is a graduate of a rather well-known culinary school in Philadelphia and has worked at high-end hotels and restaurants in the city and suburbs. Unfortunately, these are sometimes high-paced, high-pressure jobs, especially during events and dinner service. During these times, he would often experience anxiety attacks and would have thoughts about suicide and harming himself, at which time, he would get pulled off the line. Additionally, he needed to leave work early or come in late once a week, due to scheduled therapy sessions. It wasn’t just my mother and MIL’s questions driving me nuts, either. We wanted a small, backyard wedding. My mother thought that was tacky and insisted that we have our wedding at a respectable venue. We were paying for the wedding on our own, and when I looked into the places my mother considered “respectable”, I almost choked when I saw how expensive they were! My boyfriend and I looked at one place that wouldn’t break the bank too badly, and it seemed nice enough and wasn’t far from our house, so we booked it. One item down at least! She brought up that I had mentioned the scale concerning her pain in life as if I had made a terrible sin and she mocked it. She never finished a thought so I was not sure what her issue was about the scale or anything else. Mostly she called me names. Ironically legislation passed and signed off under the Clinton administration (Yes!) is responsible not only for the crisis but also for future bail-outs (that will be coming) to be financed by the taxpayer (which is a Republican add-on). Buy this shirt:  27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt   I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt I got a phone call from him from prison. I said, “Who is this?” But I knew exactly who it was. I’m not sure why I still asked though. He answered me saying, “Your brother.” I was still mad as hell, and I replied, “I don’t have a brother.” Then I hung up on him as he was saying, “No, wait for sis…” Before choosing any of those technologies, get your JavaScript skills to an appropriate level. If you are looking for resources to learn JavaScript, check out this answer. You should have at least heard about the Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt and I love this following topics: The whole house was a wreck. But my mother-in-law’s bathroom was worse than any filthy gas station bathroom I’ve ever seen. The floors were black from filth. The bidet and toilet hadn’t been cleaned as well and the whole bathroom reeked of urine. I couldn’t let her live that way so I got on my hands and knees, I’m disabled by the way, and scrubbed that whole bathroom top to bottom. It took hours, several rolls of paper towels, several bottles of cleaning supplies….when her daughter got home she pretended not to notice. I was literally in severe pain too and it was blown off. This was my ex-mother in law who never treated me well but someone needed to treat her humane because her own kids wouldn’t. After that, I cut all ties with my former sister in law who over the years I stuck close by especially when she lost a child, my niece, in 2011. I’d go to her several times a week and sit with her, bring wine, lunch. My own sister even offered to give her a very large sum of money for her daughter’s headstone… good deed goes unpunished and the level of humiliation I felt has brought me to this point. When I had started a job working acute medicine we had to transfer patients up to other wards, and most of the time I would do it myself instead of waiting for a porter because it was just quicker. Walked past a room of a patient I didn’t know in this other ward. Buy this shirt:  Sometimes the shit breaks you shirt Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt I was in my late 20s, we were all together at a special holiday brunch for a family reunion. While waiting to be seated, my dad encouraged me to get my fortune told by the Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this fortune teller in the lobby. I’d never done that before but he’d offered to pay and the others were encouraging me to do it. What the heck, I thought. I sat in front of her and she’d looked deeply into my eyes and then examined my hand. She’d told me I would have a child soon (this had brought tears to my eyes because I’d had a miscarriage the year before, but what I hadn’t known at the time was that I conceived my oldest son that month without trying hmm), and other truly insightful things. The strangest part, though, was that she’d said I would one day have an entire collection of shoes. So many shoes and nobody else would understand why. At the time, that part had seemed so ridiculous! I had sandals, tennies, and a pair of heels and that was all! Even the outfit I had on that day was the previous year’s (or 2 or 3 years’) style. I couldn’t imagine buying more than the bare minimum for myself. We all had a good laugh about it. My mom is and almost always has been a bitch. She and my stepdad treated me like shit. I’ve been told that they wouldn’t be surprised if I reached 600 pounds because of how much I ate. I weighed 120. And my weight stays the same no matter what I do. Once in therapy, I did talk about my childhood memory of my parents fighting about money and how expensive my sport was and how much they spent on me. I tried asking my mom about it after I came to understand its impact on me. Buy this shirt:  Rage against the machine 30th anniversary thank you for the memories t-shirt Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt I was almost forced to eat rat poison. I’ve had to witness a couple of other people getting abused, too. I’ve been threatened with a lawsuit for not giving them money for my medical bills when I was a minor. I’ve been threatened to have my hand cut off with a saw. I considered suicide at the Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt What’s more,I will buy this age of 12. I’ve been beaten with my leg braces. I’ve also been called dumb, stupid, lazy. I have cerebral palsy, which they know about. All by the same people: my mom and stepdad. My husband and I eventually reached a point of financial stability so I was able to spend money on myself. I started by buying some shoes on deep clearance-boots, then heels, then tall boots… At the end of each season, I’d find a great pair of shoes on a deep discount and it absolutely thrilled me to have a new pair of shoes!! About five years ago, my husband built an extra closet in our bedroom for my shoes. He’s a great woodworker and it blends into the room perfectly-shelves and shelves of shoes behind extra-tall double doors. The fortune teller was only wrong about one little detail: nobody but my awesome husband understands why I have so many shoes. There are various competing accounts about exactly how it happened, but in any case, Burroughs came to the reluctant conclusion that at the moment of shooting the pistol, he had become possessed by what he called ‘the Ugly Spirit’, and that he was condemned to spend the rest of his life trying to evade the efforts of the Ugly Spirit to take control of his actions and make him do bad things. It’s clear to me, at any rate, that this was Burroughs’ way of dealing with the crushing guilt he felt about Joan’s death. It doesn’t really fit the category of revenge, but it was satisfying all the same. Over the years, we’ve had a lot of terrible neighbors. Buy this shirt:  Pink FLoyd 56th anniversary 1965-2021 thank you for the memories t-shirt My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt Camilla – and there are definitely photos of Meghan there at the My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt and by the same token and party with her tongue sticking out. Just thought I’d add this – don’t know the context but it’s still not an attractive trait. Either way, her behavior was not suitable for someone of her age and in her position, and I don’t believe even the most ardent fan could condone either what she did, or what she said. I told him something with low miles and under $10,000. Not a super exciting day for him but he knew our old car was dead and that we needed something the same day. He immediately replied that he only had 1 car that fit the bill. We go outside and are handed the keys to a Focus they had just gotten in with around 40,000 miles. They hadn’t even had it detailed yet so this was very new on the lot. More miles than I wanted but I figured the price would be even less than I was looking for so what the heck. My wife and I go for a test drive sans salesman. While driving it I noticed that the car seemed to be shaking and was rough at lower speeds. Something was definitely not right especially for a car with only 40,000 miles It had the CVT transmission (we got the car from my father after he was done with it so the transmission wasn’t my choice, hey, free car!) and it finally died on us. I knew it was coming but there is only so much you can do as a young couple who has recently relocated and are still paying down student loans. We started hitting the dealerships in town. I knew exactly what my out the door price had to be to get me the payments I could afford and I also knew what my financing rate should be since I had already called my bank and had confirmation of their best rate if I went with them. Buy this shirt:  My heart has no room for you but the trunk of my car definitely does shirt John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt I offered to run her to class since the John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt in contrast I will get this college was on my way to work. This was before cell phones so, I promised her I’d call her father for her and let him know where to get her car too. The dog-blanket kept in my car worked great to stop her shoes from muddying the passenger floorboard. She jumped in and we arrived on time for her to take her final exams. She thanked me and said that if she didn’t take this make-up test today, she’d lose years of work. She told me she had missed the first test because her mom had passed away. She left me her dad’s phone number. When I arrived at work, I called and told him what happened and where her VW Bug was stuck in the mud. About a year later, one of my foster kids decided to dump fish tank gravel into the kitchen sink garbage disposal and turn it on. I called “Royal Flush Plumbing” randomly from the telephone book and they came out to give me an estimate to fix it all. An older, chubby, gentleman, slightly out of breath, showed up and climbed up under my sink to investigate the damages. As with the phones, they want their laptops slimmed down, but somehow more screen-dominant at the same time, which has led to a bezel-free screen design arms race among laptop manufacturers. Webcams, generally housed at the top of the screen, usually render quite a large amount of the display area unusable. So in spite of how small it is, the laptop camera is quite a lot of trouble. My wife’s 2005 Ford Five Hundred finally bit the dust. Then, because I had a cool car and inspired them, another neighbor bought his dream car – and still, another, restored his brother’s car who had passed away (with a psychotic lunacy engine that made like 700 horsepower to the wheels) and began “marking their territory” with long black stripes. (a couple of times in front of my house – and, let me tell you, I didn’t mind one bit). Buy this shirt:  John Lewis get in trouble good trouble necessary trouble shirt FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt I just knew that the FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt besides I will buy this situation looked dodgy. A partner of a woman I knew, looking all disheveled, emerging from the side door of a pub, at 6.45 am with a woman half-naked that is hanging out of the upstairs window and shouting innuendos so to speak to him. A woman who is renowned for sleeping with customers. No, I did not say something. I kept out of it. I had my own issues to deal with. So I got a four feet long piece of 18-inch paper, soaked it for a couple of hours and then placed it emulsion side down on his windshield, his car is parked at the foot of my garden making access very easy. I was shocked and exhausted but also a little excited. She was the first baby. None of us knew how you were meant to behave so all my friends came round. And stayed. And stayed. And finally, I worked up the courage to ask them to leave. My sister said `but it´s only nine o´clock` a bit cross as she left and I fell into an exhausted sleep with no supper. A lot more people visited us that day. And so it went on. Harry, as Captain-General of the Royal Marines, did not attend the memorial that paid tribute to the 11 servicemen killed by the IRA in 1989. I have no idea what excuse he gave to the Marines but he can’t have claimed illness as, instead, he went with Meghan to the Disney premiere of The Lion King. Quite apart from the fact that Harry was prepared to give up a long-standing and important engagement as a royal, what kind of wife would expect her husband not to honor such an event? Well, I was working in the photo industry then and mentioned this “parking space war” to some colleagues and was advised that photo paper when well soaked in water and placed face down on a surface and allowed to dry sticks like poop to a blanket. Buy this shirt:  FRIENDS Naruto Sakura Sasuke signature t-shirt 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt He proposed to me on the 10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this evening of December 8th, 2002. We had been dating for 6 years, lived together for 3, and had recently bought a house together, so this engagement was not a surprise, but it was very exciting to think about our wedding. We decided to keep our happy news to ourselves for the night and just enjoy a quiet evening together. The first time I heard her voice was a message that she left on my phone. I listened to it and she listed allot of terrible things that had happened to her throughout her life. These included losing parents and family members and her father from murder and grandparents too and there were other terrible things that I can no longer remember. Not all Americans; but the reason why many Americans think the US would become socialist by offering universal healthcare of any kind, even a tightly-regulated multipayer system like Germany’s, is propaganda. The fire was starting to get out of hand before people grabbed some fire extinguishers and put it out. But the damage had been done. Much of the wooden wainscotting of the wall on the lunchroom side had to be pulled off to get at the insulation and make sure that the fire was out as did whatever the wall was made from on the other side. (The building was over 100 years old – I think it may even have been on the TV show called ‘Murdoch Mysteries’ if you know of it) so there was no fire-retardant drywall, just wood frame, and wood wainscotting. if she had such a huge fear of dead bodies I don’t understand why she applied to work at a funeral home. Sure, the hostesses usually spent their time around the kitchen and the reception rooms upstairs but you’d think that at least once in a while they’d expect to be elsewhere on the premises, if for nothing else then to go to the employee lunchroom. The next day we called our families to share our engagement news, and all hell broke loose. My mother, the queen of all narcissists, immediately started grilling me for wedding details: When? Where? How many bridesmaids? What color linens? Was I going to make sure my future mother-in-law wore a different color dress than hers at the wedding? She then went on to tell me how successful she was in spite of it all and told me that she had a 4.0 average in college. She talked about other great things about herself. It was allotted to take in right out of the box from someone I never met. They have been told by their trusted leaders and opinionators that single-payer means socialism and that we will end up like Venezuela. These leaders and opinionators use lies, damned lies, cherry-picked statistics, and apocryphal stories to tell their followers it’s a horror show in all these other countries. Except that the torch the plumber used for the soldering ended up setting the insulation on fire between the walls. Buy this shirt:  10 years 2011-2021 Queen Adam Lambert thank you for the memories t-shirt I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White I went back to my home state the I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White in addition I really love this next day. I didn’t talk to my mother for a month. When I did it was only to inform her that she let my sister treat me in a reprehensible manner. I was tired of being treated like a child when I went to visit. That I’m only given three weeks vacation a year, and I have an entire world to visit. Year after year I would set aside some time to visit them. I told her I was absolutely done doing that. But I could’ve spent that time and money seeing something beautiful, and staying at a nice hotel, where people would be nice to me. Instead, as she knew, I spent the Four days getting yelled at and screamed at. There were other things to Dash my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephews baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern of preparation that I was coming to visit. four days getting yelled and screamed at. There were other things too – my mother wouldn’t loan me the car so I could visit my adult friends, my old bedroom was filled with discarded furniture and my nephew’s baby toys, just a general complete lack of concern and preparation that I was coming to visit. Two months later, after I’d started a much better job, I get a call from the VP, telling me that the production of this product had stopped, and he asked my advice about their problems. I politely told him that I’d left very specifically, detailed instructions as to how to build the product, and they must have deviated from my instructions somewhere. I told him that my new job was all-consuming, and I could not help them with a detailed review and remedy. FWIW, they couldn’t build the product and had to shut it down completely. Buy this shirt:  I Refused To Sink Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Tshirts White Biden is not my president shirt She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Biden is not my president shirt What’s more,I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie The couple had to take their assigned seats. He even explained to them that there were a few unassigned single seats in Business class and he could arrange to get them assigned if they were willing to pay the difference. In about 2001 I was in a bar playing doubles foosball somewhere in Ohio. My partner was a newbie whom I had talked into trying the game. I, on the other hand, could play against world-class players and not get slaughtered too badly. We were just hoping for a good time and a good game for my friend to cut his teeth on. We suspected what he was doing skulking around his neighbor’s house in the middle of the night with his pants too loose to stay up (peeping tom) but since we hadn’t caught him in the act, we simply talked to him, ran him to make sure he didn’t have warrants and let him be on his way. Of course, running his name showed that he is a registered child sex offender which came to the surprise of no one. But it certainly explained why I had felt chills all over my body when he had stared at me so intensely even while multiple police officers were watching. Buy this shirt:  Biden is not my president shirt Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt This particular time, my older sister insisted on coming with us. She is less calm and collected than my mother, lacking anything that one could call coping mechanisms. She’s only five years older than me so I was 30 and she was 35 at the Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt in other words I will buy this time. She bullied me horrendously growing up. A five year age difference is huge with children. But she never grew out of it. One would think by the time we were all out of college, we could treat each other like adults. One day, the head of the security guards (whose the name I’ve long forgotten) came up with the bright idea of making anyone exiting the Secure Cage stand on a small platform to be wanded – no one objected, it was a sensible idea, the number of old bolt heads, etc. in the floor sometimes gave a false positive. They told us nothing was assigned, and if we hadn’t wanted them to take the spot, we should have stayed in our seats. I was lectured that you couldn’t “bagsy” seats by leaving stuff on them. They were settling in for a fight. I could tell. If you have ever seen the movie “Woman of the Year,” there is a scene in which someone talks down to the character played by Katherine Hepburn. “Careful,” Spencer Tracy says “You are in over your head.” This story reminds of that moment: This man was either mentally ill or on drugs (or both) but his movements were so quick, jerky and erratic that as he once again reached to the back of his pants, jerked up to the window of the car and flung his hand around the two of us reacted in unison. I started to dip down to the floor of the car, hoping to shield under the glovebox. The officer had his hand on his gun and it halfway out of the holster before we realized the man was simply jerking his hands around for no reason. The officer asked him to just keep his hands visible and the man apologized. He was extremely nervous and erratic. Buy this shirt:  Being dad is an honor being papa is priceless shirt Asl I love you shirt The other main issue was scheduling. They knew I was in school but put me for overnights. I hated it but partway through they stopped staying open all night so I figured it wasn’t an issue. Then they reversed that a couple of months later and re-opened all night again. I reminded them I was in school but they scheduled me another overnight. At this point, they had just given me my second review (also late) which I apparently bombed (yet they wouldn’t fire me…) and I was also approaching my final exams which I really needed to do well on… so I basically said eff this, walked in on an off day, handed in a bag with all my uniform stuff, and said I’m done. A good friend of mine in college was a very big man…like 6 foot 6, 290 pounds, all solid muscle, and bone. Tom got started working out with his dad at about age four. He could bench press over 700 pounds and used a chunk of shock absorber coil off a car as a “hand squeeze”. . My husband had cancer we went to his oncology appt he was feeling poorly and the Asl I love you shirt in other words I will buy this doctor said he looked worse then he had ever seen in six years we had been going there. He had one of his nurses take us to the hospital through the connecting tunnel. On the word of the oncologist, they admitted him right away. They found that he was septic. The doctor came in and said you are septic you need emergency surgery. You have two choices you can have the surgery in the next ten minutes or you can choose not to have surgery and you will die within 48 hrs. When you are dying they give you the option to live or die. As miserable as he had been he opted for surgery and lived another year. My ex-wife and I had moved in a few months prior. The apartments were okay, but the complex was massive and the units were cookie-cutter. The tenants were very diverse from a cultural and economic perspective. Many worked at Intel down the road and made enough to buy a house after a year or two. Others worked in the service industry and stayed quite a bit longer. For the most part, the turnover was high and people didn’t know their neighbors. It never failed to amaze me the number of idiots who wanted to “prove” themselves in some kind of macho insanity. My buddy was really even-tempered and never tried to start anything, but there always seemed to be another idiot… You need to get the youngest son out of the house and away from the older brother and sit the youngest son down and ask him what’s going on. Buy this shirt:  Asl I love you shirt Asl daisies share the love shirt You are NOT going to be able to tell. They didn’t get that job by being obvious. My advice is not to be doing something like that. Then no worries. But if you choose to do something foolish that’s going to get your ass in trouble with the Asl daisies share the love shirt but in fact I love this cops—-Do NOT be talking about it… Finally, a nurse came in and said what do you want to know. I want to know what is wrong with my daughter, I want to know why isn’t awake. The nurse said oh she is just faking it. She went over and picked up my daughter’s lifeless head and proceeded to pour water in her mouth, it just feels right out. She faking it really well will just try something else. She then proceeded to stuff ice in her mouth it just fell right out and she kept stuffing it in. Two years ago, I found out my husband of 28 years was living a secret life for at least the past 5 years (though the infidelity started much earlier, it only became a fully form alternate life in that time). There were a lot of people involved, and some of them had even vacationed at our home, eating at my table with me and my kids, without me knowing the nature of their relationship with my husband. Unaccustomed to the less well-heeled treading among us, I decided an interrogation was in order.I walked over to this fashion plate dressed in worn-out jeans, tattered tank top, cowboy boots, and long hair dripping out of his cowboy hat and asked, “Hi, is there anything I can do for you today, sir?” The first clue was that the front door was locked when I got home from work one day and I had to go around to the back door to get in. We didn’t usually lock the house, which I know sounds irresponsible, but we had a couple of pretty fearsome dogs at the time and the house sat in the middle of a fenced lot. A stranger couldn’t come anywhere near the house without getting through the dogs. (Also, we were pretty poor and I figured anyone willing to come through the dogs for what little we had, needed it more than I did.) This sounds awful. Can you tell her to stop? Talk to your dad or sibs. This is very disturbing to hear. It’s your body and you have the right to lock the door and say no. Talk to friends, teachers, neighbors, dad, or any adult. You can call DHS in her but make sure you have someone you can live with before in case they rejoice you. Lock the door and ignore her requests. Tell another adult. I heard them in the hall talking about sending her to the psych hospital. I was terrified and pissed they actually trying to get them to take her like she was. Finally, that got their heads out of asses and decide to admit my comatose daughter who wasn’t faking it. I went through several stages. I flipped out and cried for weeks. I had moments when I would dream up some idea of how we could bring our relationship back together – in a new and improved form. I tried to move forward calmly, then something would tick me off and I would fall apart. Once I kicked a hole in a closet door and rolled up in a ball on the floor wailing. Buy this shirt:  Asl daisies share the love shirt 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt What happens is that when a mother lets go of her son in a healthy manner, a new type of relationship forms with mom and son. It’s still a warm relationship, but it changes. Or it should. My married son (one of four sons) now has four children and is busy with his work and care of his home. But he calls me to chat, ask how I and his dad are, asks about his younger sister. I went with when he asked for my parents’ blessing. I was still living with my parents and was looking for a job opportunity in my husband’s home town (we had been long distance up until that point). We both laid out our plans and finances together, as we are a team. I never got the 54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt so you should to go to store and get this idea of the ‘surprise’ engagement – certainly there are things to discuss before taking that step that would ‘ruin’ the surprise? But there’s more! I never received a W2 from them and, an improvident artist that I am hadn’t a clue as to how much money I’d made above or below the table. I called the IRS with my problem; they were very interested and told me to make a good faith effort to get in touch with the officers of the company. Of course, she overthrew him and became Catherine the Great. Not a very good first try, but the monarchy persevered, and the following princesses were not that rebellious. I signed up with a temp agency the next day and a few days later received a phone call from them. “We have the perfect position for you! It’s a small financial planning company where they need clerical work and Wang word processing.” My old company. I called my friend at the office and told her what had happened. She checked with Bob, who told her it would be weird to have me back, so I called the temp agency and told them it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to take the job since it was my former employer. I didn’t tell them that if they placed someone there, they’d never get paid. They found me a different position within a day or two, and then my friend called again: Bob had thought about it and it made sense for me to come back. I told her it was too late, I’d found something else. You’ll probably find that the Queen does not wear the Koh-i-Noor in either of the two crowns worn since in the United Kingdom since 1953 (the Crown of St Edward with which was formally crowned at her coronation, or the Imperial State Crown, worn after the coronation and only annually at the State Opening of Parliament). Buy this shirt:  54 years 1967-2021 Fleetwood Mac thank you for the memories shirt 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt She told me all about that adventure, that she was almost out of money and was either heading back to Sweden to figure out her life or would try to get a job on a yacht as a cook. In 1174, Baldwin’s father died unexpectedly. Baldwin was elected King by the 46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories shirt it is in the first place but High Court of Jerusalem despite the fact that other crown vassals afflicted with leprosy were required to join the Knights of St. Lazarus. Being still a minor (13) at the time of his father’s death, the Kingdom was placed in the care of a regent, Raymond of Tripoli, himself a descendant of Baldwin II and one of the most powerful barons in the crusader states. Notably, at this time Baldwin could still move and above all ride, without apparent impediment indeed contemporary accounts stress that he was an exceptional horseman able to control his horse perfectly at a full gallop. Quite a few times. I ignore my gut, my brain kicks in and I exit. This year I would say that’s happened 20 times in 50 trades?! It’s a lot to do with the fact that I’m uncertain. With regard to an oil trade it did during lockdown, I didn’t just stay in, but I tripled-down on the position and that made me £830 profit on top of a £500 trade. But that was 100% clear to me that everything was in place to do that. Same re: Boeing when that was around £125. but if there’s anything remotely messy about the trade I’ll balls it up and bail. I kissed her, then a few days later, moved in. She later told me she’d seen me walk in with the gay German and assumed I was his lover. Would’ve been better of me to realize a touch sooner that the German was in fact gay, and gay looking, and that people assumed I was too, due to my hanging with him. But I was young, and a doofus. Anyway, had I not asked her to dance, the life I came to live would not have come to pass. Buy this shirt:  46 years 1975-2021 Iron Maiden thank you for the memories t-shirt 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt Just two years later, Baldwin III died and Amalric ascended the 41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt but in fact I love this throne – but only on the condition that he set aside his wife (Baldwin’s mother) Agnes de Courtney. Agnes was duly disposed of, but Amalric’s children of his marriage, two-year-old Baldwin and his year-older sister Sibylla, were explicitly recognized as legitimate. They remained at court with their father. In 1167, Amalric remarried, this time to the Byzantine Princess Maria Comnena. The tradition continues to the present and the Netherlands sends 20,000 bulbs to Canada each year. They became the inspiration for Ottawa’s annual Tulip Festival which attracts more than 600,000 visitors a year. It is one of the world’s largest tulip festivals, displaying almost three million tulips in venues across the city. Along the Rideau Canal alone, the city’s gardeners set more than 300,000 tulip bulbs each year. The results were not good. While the Saracens eventually withdrew, they had managed to do considerable damage and the barons of Jerusalem returned in a rebellious mood. The news that the key castle of Kerak was under siege (with both Princess of Jerusalem, the Queen Mother, and the Dowager Queen all trapped inside for a wedding) should have triggered the immediate dispatch of a major relief force. Instead, the High Court (allegedly unanimously) refused to follow Guy de Lusignan anywhere. Part of the “something drastic” turned out to be aircraft from the RAF’s Bomber Command tasked to deliver food supplies to the Dutch people during the so-called Hunger Winter. During ‘Operation Manna’, Lancaster bombers dropped food over cities and towns across Holland. I am not one to dance often, because I possess no detectable rhythm and tend to look like a mentally incompetent twat on a dance floor. So I’ll usually just do it to please someone for a couple of songs, get through it, sit down and call it done for a year or hopefully much longer. But sometimes the devil gets inside and I dance like my clothes are full of murder hornets. And this was what I did. At about this same time, Baldwin was diagnosed with leprosy by his tutor William, later Archbishop of Tyre. According to Tyre, leprosy first manifested itself as a lack of feeling in Baldwin’s right hand. However, Baldwin retained the use of his other limbs and did not suffer from noticeable disfigurement. His illness was initially kept quiet. Buy this shirt:  41 years 1980-2021 Depechemode thank you for the memories shirt 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt The fourth-grade math teacher hated me with all her guts. I was actually banned from talking in her class. And we had this marks system. So every time you did something wrong you got a mark. I got marks frequently. For talking when I was explaining the 33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt Also,I will get this work to someone sitting next to me because they were in the bathroom so they didn’t hear the instructions. I got in trouble almost every day for answering questions. Like it’s my fault that I know how to do mental math and my peers need to do all the work first. I’ll just skip to the day that drove me over the edge. Even though the rooms were adjacent the entrance to the prep room was down the hallway and around a corner so workers heading to lunch from the rest of the funeral home or from the locker room where we changed clothes didn’t see the bodies as they came in to be prepped. Whatever it was, the back of her uniform jacket got caught on it and she couldn’t get past it. Because it was the back of her jacket that was caught she also couldn’t turn around to see what the problem was. So we quietly canceled all of our wedding arrangements (luckily it was early enough to not inconvenience any of the vendors, and we got most of our deposits back), hopped a plane to Arizona, and got married in the desert in October 2003. Attendees to the wedding included the minister, his wife, my boyfriend (now husband!), and me. It was perfect – one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. There was a note on top: please have your parents sign this and return it by next week. And this other kid got +10 points for doing mental math. I couldn’t do anything because that kid’s parents donate money to the school. Lots of it, so he gets away with a lot of things too. (I don’t live in a particularly rich neighborhood. It’s just diverse. Like there are people who are trying to make ends meet and then there are others with more than 4 cars.) Buy this shirt:  33 years 1988-2021 Akira shirt 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt After a month of constant wedding questions, I started to feel like I was being smothered – I picked a wedding date a year and a half away thinking that maybe if we had a long time to plan, my mom and future MIL would stop bombarding me. Nope, the 27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories shirt Furthermore, I will do this questions kept coming. I am more of a last-minute decision kind of girl, so having to answer questions about centerpieces and mother of the groom dress colors so far ahead of schedule (or ever) brought me to a level of anxiety I had never experienced before, and I am a naturally anxious person. She came out of the starting gate completely furious. No, build-up. Like Regan’s demons in the Exorcist or a drunk Mel Gibson ranting at his wife. She was close to incoherently raging. She attacked me on many levels and cursed at me numerous times. All the while, they excuse or handwave away the ways we’re already heading toward a more broken system akin to Venezuela’s: incompetent and corrupt leadership, crony capitalism, paramilitary forces unaccountable to We The People and more. The deceased always came in through a back door off the parking lot and from there the gurneys were rolled down a narrow hallway to an elevator that took them downstairs to the prep room. (The elevator was across the hall and down a few feet from the lunchroom). This was also the hallway where new caskets/coffins were delivered to be taken downstairs to be put in the display rooms. My friend is a graduate of a rather well-known culinary school in Philadelphia and has worked at high-end hotels and restaurants in the city and suburbs. Unfortunately, these are sometimes high-paced, high-pressure jobs, especially during events and dinner service. During these times, he would often experience anxiety attacks and would have thoughts about suicide and harming himself, at which time, he would get pulled off the line. Additionally, he needed to leave work early or come in late once a week, due to scheduled therapy sessions. It wasn’t just my mother and MIL’s questions driving me nuts, either. We wanted a small, backyard wedding. My mother thought that was tacky and insisted that we have our wedding at a respectable venue. We were paying for the wedding on our own, and when I looked into the places my mother considered “respectable”, I almost choked when I saw how expensive they were! My boyfriend and I looked at one place that wouldn’t break the bank too badly, and it seemed nice enough and wasn’t far from our house, so we booked it. One item down at least! She brought up that I had mentioned the scale concerning her pain in life as if I had made a terrible sin and she mocked it. She never finished a thought so I was not sure what her issue was about the scale or anything else. Mostly she called me names. Ironically legislation passed and signed off under the Clinton administration (Yes!) is responsible not only for the crisis but also for future bail-outs (that will be coming) to be financed by the taxpayer (which is a Republican add-on). Buy this shirt:  27 years 1994-2021 Foo Fighters thank you for the memories t-shirt  

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