Sunday, July 18, 2021

I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts

I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts

Fewnights and we’re tied up right now Ibelieve so you in Portland Maine can bethe tiebreaker of us winning the I liketo think it was a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts rap battle withoutrapping so that’s what we’re going how Dwhich makes hi I’m Lea sorry I’m alittle nervous and I used to amicrophone nervous it’s okay so I’mfrom New York and I’m in fear Ohlast July because I actually kind oftook your words to heartfrom your books and left my job whichsounded crazy to a lot of people I knowexcept my family they were reallysupportive of itcongratulations yeah it was awesome so Ileft my crazy job 60 hours a week Itraveled six months new year it wasawful I’m sorry former employer bosseswho might be listening I was reallyunhappy and that’s okay doesn’t mean youknow it’s necessarily you know batteryyou know Java just in the line with theperson you wanted to be exactly so Iconvinced my partner that we were goingto move here and we did and what whataboutPortlander year it’s an awesome town bythe way that’s why it’s a small accountof our whole tour we just. Not asstressful but if it’s getting to a pointwhere it’s a net negative and that’swhere it was for me I just I deactivatedit and I’m still alivenow it’s funny because I’ve had severalbecause I didn’t like do the whole ranton Facebook like oh I’m deleting myaccount hey yo I just gave it the Irishgoodbye but it’s funny because like myfriend Fred I have friends and familiesthat like I had a friend reach out to metoday and he’s like dude did you blockme on Facebook or my sister did youblock me on Facebook of like no I justdeleted it like I would never you stolemy phone number like I wouldn’t wouldn’thide myself from you but so it kind offreaks some people out but at the end ofthe day like just I’m not saying to goand delete all your accounts cuz I knowyou said you use it for business andlike I don’t want to delete theminimalist Facebook account I think thatadds a ton of value but if there arepersonal accounts that are stressing youout I promise you you’re gonna feelbetter if you walk away from it then ifyou try to. Opener in the senseof like I you know I’m changing mymorals or you know hasn’t shifted mymoral compass but it’s just interestingto see like why we’re at where we’re attodayyeah I agree it’s a great book we’realso if we’re going to be on his podcastnext week we’ll be out in LA doing somestuff and he has a great podcast calledtangentially speaking and he’s just he’sa brilliant guy and he interviews reallyinteresting people I about there’s onlyone book that I go back was people cango back to regularly but there’s onethat I tend to go back to quite a bitespecially when were preparing for tourit’sepictetus is discourses and so I’ve beenreading that recently so for those ofyou who are familiar I actually thinkthat the woman right before youmentioned maybe the stoicism or I meanshe mentioned aesthetics which is notunsimilar but he’s one of the Stoics soa couple thousand years old a lot ofgreat traditional wisdom and in thediscourses he’s my favorite of theStoics and also I my partner and I weread to each other at night Funny I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: That you and Ryan have describedand I found a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts lot of happiness myhusband right over there second row overthere he’s very happy that I’ve adoptedyour minimalist philosophy as you knowyou just have a Chanel necklace here Ifind a lot of value my Chanel necklaceI’m going to keep it but you know afteryou found your success and yourhappiness in the philosophy what haschanged for you in the maximum that youhave for your life after the next sothat that’s the past year person sure soI can tell you quite a while not evenquite a few things everything haschanged for me over the last seven yearsthere’s no question about that but butmany things that have have changedgradually as well I think the thing thatwas most noticeable within the firstyear was I started to align my actionswith the person I wanted to be as athose two the person I was supposed tobe this this image of whatever you mightcall it the American Dream or corporatesuccess or or fill in the blank I meanit really were often living up tosomeone else’s ideals and. Teach yourkids when they’re young and we’restarting something like this with Ellenf he’s finally starting to grasp theconcept of money and then like the dirtypieces of paper in my pocket or actuallyworth something and you have to earnthose those dirty pieces of paper and sohe has like three envelopes or threebuckets basically you have a savingsenvelope a giving envelope and aspending envelope for kids and I thinkthe same the same thing is true so interms of saving for your future he tendsto recommend 20 of your income yeah sosaving 30 I mean drew you’re tenpercent of what you know Dave Ramseyrecommends but I know like some peoplein the fire community finance I don’tknow what the acronym is I don’t knowput in the notes of pot cash on but uhthe the fire community they part of adocumentary they they’ve got coming outwe’ll put a link to they’d like aKickstarter it’s about all you have tobe great to put a link to that in the inthe show notes yeah yeah so you and Isat down we did this interview for thefire community. Full time living off ofmusic oh by the way he’s one of the mosttalented musicians I’ve ever met yeahand he signed this contract he wasfinally making a full time living off ofmusic yeah except it wasn’t the musicthat he wanted to make and it was justso crushing for him yeah and so one ofthe ways to kill your passion is to tryto make an inkcome off and make that your primarydriver and watch your watch your passionjust die on the vineyeah yeah I I I’m so glad that we havenot forced ourselves into doing thatbecause if we I mean if we did take onprojects that we just felt like ouraudience was going to buy or you knowwhat whatever instead of doing it forourselves what we were really passionateabout we might find ourselves in thesame situation that Paul was in I meanwe could do the declutter the minimalistdecluttering God guide to declutteringhere’s 67 separate clutter at your homeor whatever yeah and and and that’s justnot appealing to us right because welike to talk about the purpose and thewhy behind what we’re doing See Other related products: Teacher and shirt I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts Fewnights and we’re tied up right now Ibelieve so you in Portland Maine can bethe tiebreaker of us winning the I liketo think it was a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts rap battle withoutrapping so that’s what we’re going how Dwhich makes hi I’m Lea sorry I’m alittle nervous and I used to amicrophone nervous it’s okay so I’mfrom New York and I’m in fear Ohlast July because I actually kind oftook your words to heartfrom your books and left my job whichsounded crazy to a lot of people I knowexcept my family they were reallysupportive of itcongratulations yeah it was awesome so Ileft my crazy job 60 hours a week Itraveled six months new year it wasawful I’m sorry former employer bosseswho might be listening I was reallyunhappy and that’s okay doesn’t mean youknow it’s necessarily you know batteryyou know Java just in the line with theperson you wanted to be exactly so Iconvinced my partner that we were goingto move here and we did and what whataboutPortlander year it’s an awesome town bythe way that’s why it’s a small accountof our whole tour we just. Not asstressful but if it’s getting to a pointwhere it’s a net negative and that’swhere it was for me I just I deactivatedit and I’m still alivenow it’s funny because I’ve had severalbecause I didn’t like do the whole ranton Facebook like oh I’m deleting myaccount hey yo I just gave it the Irishgoodbye but it’s funny because like myfriend Fred I have friends and familiesthat like I had a friend reach out to metoday and he’s like dude did you blockme on Facebook or my sister did youblock me on Facebook of like no I justdeleted it like I would never you stolemy phone number like I wouldn’t wouldn’thide myself from you but so it kind offreaks some people out but at the end ofthe day like just I’m not saying to goand delete all your accounts cuz I knowyou said you use it for business andlike I don’t want to delete theminimalist Facebook account I think thatadds a ton of value but if there arepersonal accounts that are stressing youout I promise you you’re gonna feelbetter if you walk away from it then ifyou try to. Opener in the senseof like I you know I’m changing mymorals or you know hasn’t shifted mymoral compass but it’s just interestingto see like why we’re at where we’re attodayyeah I agree it’s a great book we’realso if we’re going to be on his podcastnext week we’ll be out in LA doing somestuff and he has a great podcast calledtangentially speaking and he’s just he’sa brilliant guy and he interviews reallyinteresting people I about there’s onlyone book that I go back was people cango back to regularly but there’s onethat I tend to go back to quite a bitespecially when were preparing for tourit’sepictetus is discourses and so I’ve beenreading that recently so for those ofyou who are familiar I actually thinkthat the woman right before youmentioned maybe the stoicism or I meanshe mentioned aesthetics which is notunsimilar but he’s one of the Stoics soa couple thousand years old a lot ofgreat traditional wisdom and in thediscourses he’s my favorite of theStoics and also I my partner and I weread to each other at night Funny I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: That you and Ryan have describedand I found a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts lot of happiness myhusband right over there second row overthere he’s very happy that I’ve adoptedyour minimalist philosophy as you knowyou just have a Chanel necklace here Ifind a lot of value my Chanel necklaceI’m going to keep it but you know afteryou found your success and yourhappiness in the philosophy what haschanged for you in the maximum that youhave for your life after the next sothat that’s the past year person sure soI can tell you quite a while not evenquite a few things everything haschanged for me over the last seven yearsthere’s no question about that but butmany things that have have changedgradually as well I think the thing thatwas most noticeable within the firstyear was I started to align my actionswith the person I wanted to be as athose two the person I was supposed tobe this this image of whatever you mightcall it the American Dream or corporatesuccess or or fill in the blank I meanit really were often living up tosomeone else’s ideals and. Teach yourkids when they’re young and we’restarting something like this with Ellenf he’s finally starting to grasp theconcept of money and then like the dirtypieces of paper in my pocket or actuallyworth something and you have to earnthose those dirty pieces of paper and sohe has like three envelopes or threebuckets basically you have a savingsenvelope a giving envelope and aspending envelope for kids and I thinkthe same the same thing is true so interms of saving for your future he tendsto recommend 20 of your income yeah sosaving 30 I mean drew you’re tenpercent of what you know Dave Ramseyrecommends but I know like some peoplein the fire community finance I don’tknow what the acronym is I don’t knowput in the notes of pot cash on but uhthe the fire community they part of adocumentary they they’ve got coming outwe’ll put a link to they’d like aKickstarter it’s about all you have tobe great to put a link to that in the inthe show notes yeah yeah so you and Isat down we did this interview for thefire community. Full time living off ofmusic oh by the way he’s one of the mosttalented musicians I’ve ever met yeahand he signed this contract he wasfinally making a full time living off ofmusic yeah except it wasn’t the musicthat he wanted to make and it was justso crushing for him yeah and so one ofthe ways to kill your passion is to tryto make an inkcome off and make that your primarydriver and watch your watch your passionjust die on the vineyeah yeah I I I’m so glad that we havenot forced ourselves into doing thatbecause if we I mean if we did take onprojects that we just felt like ouraudience was going to buy or you knowwhat whatever instead of doing it forourselves what we were really passionateabout we might find ourselves in thesame situation that Paul was in I meanwe could do the declutter the minimalistdecluttering God guide to declutteringhere’s 67 separate clutter at your homeor whatever yeah and and and that’s justnot appealing to us right because welike to talk about the purpose and thewhy behind what we’re doing See Other related products: Teacher and shirt

I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts - from 1

I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts - from 1

Fewnights and we’re tied up right now Ibelieve so you in Portland Maine can bethe tiebreaker of us winning the I liketo think it was a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts rap battle withoutrapping so that’s what we’re going how Dwhich makes hi I’m Lea sorry I’m alittle nervous and I used to amicrophone nervous it’s okay so I’mfrom New York and I’m in fear Ohlast July because I actually kind oftook your words to heartfrom your books and left my job whichsounded crazy to a lot of people I knowexcept my family they were reallysupportive of itcongratulations yeah it was awesome so Ileft my crazy job 60 hours a week Itraveled six months new year it wasawful I’m sorry former employer bosseswho might be listening I was reallyunhappy and that’s okay doesn’t mean youknow it’s necessarily you know batteryyou know Java just in the line with theperson you wanted to be exactly so Iconvinced my partner that we were goingto move here and we did and what whataboutPortlander year it’s an awesome town bythe way that’s why it’s a small accountof our whole tour we just. Not asstressful but if it’s getting to a pointwhere it’s a net negative and that’swhere it was for me I just I deactivatedit and I’m still alivenow it’s funny because I’ve had severalbecause I didn’t like do the whole ranton Facebook like oh I’m deleting myaccount hey yo I just gave it the Irishgoodbye but it’s funny because like myfriend Fred I have friends and familiesthat like I had a friend reach out to metoday and he’s like dude did you blockme on Facebook or my sister did youblock me on Facebook of like no I justdeleted it like I would never you stolemy phone number like I wouldn’t wouldn’thide myself from you but so it kind offreaks some people out but at the end ofthe day like just I’m not saying to goand delete all your accounts cuz I knowyou said you use it for business andlike I don’t want to delete theminimalist Facebook account I think thatadds a ton of value but if there arepersonal accounts that are stressing youout I promise you you’re gonna feelbetter if you walk away from it then ifyou try to. Opener in the senseof like I you know I’m changing mymorals or you know hasn’t shifted mymoral compass but it’s just interestingto see like why we’re at where we’re attodayyeah I agree it’s a great book we’realso if we’re going to be on his podcastnext week we’ll be out in LA doing somestuff and he has a great podcast calledtangentially speaking and he’s just he’sa brilliant guy and he interviews reallyinteresting people I about there’s onlyone book that I go back was people cango back to regularly but there’s onethat I tend to go back to quite a bitespecially when were preparing for tourit’sepictetus is discourses and so I’ve beenreading that recently so for those ofyou who are familiar I actually thinkthat the woman right before youmentioned maybe the stoicism or I meanshe mentioned aesthetics which is notunsimilar but he’s one of the Stoics soa couple thousand years old a lot ofgreat traditional wisdom and in thediscourses he’s my favorite of theStoics and also I my partner and I weread to each other at night Funny I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: That you and Ryan have describedand I found a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts lot of happiness myhusband right over there second row overthere he’s very happy that I’ve adoptedyour minimalist philosophy as you knowyou just have a Chanel necklace here Ifind a lot of value my Chanel necklaceI’m going to keep it but you know afteryou found your success and yourhappiness in the philosophy what haschanged for you in the maximum that youhave for your life after the next sothat that’s the past year person sure soI can tell you quite a while not evenquite a few things everything haschanged for me over the last seven yearsthere’s no question about that but butmany things that have have changedgradually as well I think the thing thatwas most noticeable within the firstyear was I started to align my actionswith the person I wanted to be as athose two the person I was supposed tobe this this image of whatever you mightcall it the American Dream or corporatesuccess or or fill in the blank I meanit really were often living up tosomeone else’s ideals and. Teach yourkids when they’re young and we’restarting something like this with Ellenf he’s finally starting to grasp theconcept of money and then like the dirtypieces of paper in my pocket or actuallyworth something and you have to earnthose those dirty pieces of paper and sohe has like three envelopes or threebuckets basically you have a savingsenvelope a giving envelope and aspending envelope for kids and I thinkthe same the same thing is true so interms of saving for your future he tendsto recommend 20 of your income yeah sosaving 30 I mean drew you’re tenpercent of what you know Dave Ramseyrecommends but I know like some peoplein the fire community finance I don’tknow what the acronym is I don’t knowput in the notes of pot cash on but uhthe the fire community they part of adocumentary they they’ve got coming outwe’ll put a link to they’d like aKickstarter it’s about all you have tobe great to put a link to that in the inthe show notes yeah yeah so you and Isat down we did this interview for thefire community. Full time living off ofmusic oh by the way he’s one of the mosttalented musicians I’ve ever met yeahand he signed this contract he wasfinally making a full time living off ofmusic yeah except it wasn’t the musicthat he wanted to make and it was justso crushing for him yeah and so one ofthe ways to kill your passion is to tryto make an inkcome off and make that your primarydriver and watch your watch your passionjust die on the vineyeah yeah I I I’m so glad that we havenot forced ourselves into doing thatbecause if we I mean if we did take onprojects that we just felt like ouraudience was going to buy or you knowwhat whatever instead of doing it forourselves what we were really passionateabout we might find ourselves in thesame situation that Paul was in I meanwe could do the declutter the minimalistdecluttering God guide to declutteringhere’s 67 separate clutter at your homeor whatever yeah and and and that’s justnot appealing to us right because welike to talk about the purpose and thewhy behind what we’re doing See Other related products: Teacher and shirt I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts Fewnights and we’re tied up right now Ibelieve so you in Portland Maine can bethe tiebreaker of us winning the I liketo think it was a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts rap battle withoutrapping so that’s what we’re going how Dwhich makes hi I’m Lea sorry I’m alittle nervous and I used to amicrophone nervous it’s okay so I’mfrom New York and I’m in fear Ohlast July because I actually kind oftook your words to heartfrom your books and left my job whichsounded crazy to a lot of people I knowexcept my family they were reallysupportive of itcongratulations yeah it was awesome so Ileft my crazy job 60 hours a week Itraveled six months new year it wasawful I’m sorry former employer bosseswho might be listening I was reallyunhappy and that’s okay doesn’t mean youknow it’s necessarily you know batteryyou know Java just in the line with theperson you wanted to be exactly so Iconvinced my partner that we were goingto move here and we did and what whataboutPortlander year it’s an awesome town bythe way that’s why it’s a small accountof our whole tour we just. Not asstressful but if it’s getting to a pointwhere it’s a net negative and that’swhere it was for me I just I deactivatedit and I’m still alivenow it’s funny because I’ve had severalbecause I didn’t like do the whole ranton Facebook like oh I’m deleting myaccount hey yo I just gave it the Irishgoodbye but it’s funny because like myfriend Fred I have friends and familiesthat like I had a friend reach out to metoday and he’s like dude did you blockme on Facebook or my sister did youblock me on Facebook of like no I justdeleted it like I would never you stolemy phone number like I wouldn’t wouldn’thide myself from you but so it kind offreaks some people out but at the end ofthe day like just I’m not saying to goand delete all your accounts cuz I knowyou said you use it for business andlike I don’t want to delete theminimalist Facebook account I think thatadds a ton of value but if there arepersonal accounts that are stressing youout I promise you you’re gonna feelbetter if you walk away from it then ifyou try to. Opener in the senseof like I you know I’m changing mymorals or you know hasn’t shifted mymoral compass but it’s just interestingto see like why we’re at where we’re attodayyeah I agree it’s a great book we’realso if we’re going to be on his podcastnext week we’ll be out in LA doing somestuff and he has a great podcast calledtangentially speaking and he’s just he’sa brilliant guy and he interviews reallyinteresting people I about there’s onlyone book that I go back was people cango back to regularly but there’s onethat I tend to go back to quite a bitespecially when were preparing for tourit’sepictetus is discourses and so I’ve beenreading that recently so for those ofyou who are familiar I actually thinkthat the woman right before youmentioned maybe the stoicism or I meanshe mentioned aesthetics which is notunsimilar but he’s one of the Stoics soa couple thousand years old a lot ofgreat traditional wisdom and in thediscourses he’s my favorite of theStoics and also I my partner and I weread to each other at night Funny I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts More than Funny other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: That you and Ryan have describedand I found a I Found My Pawlentine Yellow Labrador Shirts lot of happiness myhusband right over there second row overthere he’s very happy that I’ve adoptedyour minimalist philosophy as you knowyou just have a Chanel necklace here Ifind a lot of value my Chanel necklaceI’m going to keep it but you know afteryou found your success and yourhappiness in the philosophy what haschanged for you in the maximum that youhave for your life after the next sothat that’s the past year person sure soI can tell you quite a while not evenquite a few things everything haschanged for me over the last seven yearsthere’s no question about that but butmany things that have have changedgradually as well I think the thing thatwas most noticeable within the firstyear was I started to align my actionswith the person I wanted to be as athose two the person I was supposed tobe this this image of whatever you mightcall it the American Dream or corporatesuccess or or fill in the blank I meanit really were often living up tosomeone else’s ideals and. Teach yourkids when they’re young and we’restarting something like this with Ellenf he’s finally starting to grasp theconcept of money and then like the dirtypieces of paper in my pocket or actuallyworth something and you have to earnthose those dirty pieces of paper and sohe has like three envelopes or threebuckets basically you have a savingsenvelope a giving envelope and aspending envelope for kids and I thinkthe same the same thing is true so interms of saving for your future he tendsto recommend 20 of your income yeah sosaving 30 I mean drew you’re tenpercent of what you know Dave Ramseyrecommends but I know like some peoplein the fire community finance I don’tknow what the acronym is I don’t knowput in the notes of pot cash on but uhthe the fire community they part of adocumentary they they’ve got coming outwe’ll put a link to they’d like aKickstarter it’s about all you have tobe great to put a link to that in the inthe show notes yeah yeah so you and Isat down we did this interview for thefire community. Full time living off ofmusic oh by the way he’s one of the mosttalented musicians I’ve ever met yeahand he signed this contract he wasfinally making a full time living off ofmusic yeah except it wasn’t the musicthat he wanted to make and it was justso crushing for him yeah and so one ofthe ways to kill your passion is to tryto make an inkcome off and make that your primarydriver and watch your watch your passionjust die on the vineyeah yeah I I I’m so glad that we havenot forced ourselves into doing thatbecause if we I mean if we did take onprojects that we just felt like ouraudience was going to buy or you knowwhat whatever instead of doing it forourselves what we were really passionateabout we might find ourselves in thesame situation that Paul was in I meanwe could do the declutter the minimalistdecluttering God guide to declutteringhere’s 67 separate clutter at your homeor whatever yeah and and and that’s justnot appealing to us right because welike to talk about the purpose and thewhy behind what we’re doing See Other related products: Teacher and shirt

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