Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt

Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt

So I’ve Known Joe Biden for 30 Years I Know His Story of Profound Grief That Is so Deeply Affected His Character I Know Joe Is a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Good Man a Man of Faith a Unifier Someone Who Understands the Hopes and Dreams of the Common Man in a Comment Woman a Man Who Can Help Us to See the Humanity in Each Other She Knows That the Path to a Restored and Rejuvenated America Lies in Respect and Unity and a Common Purpose for Everyone Yes There Are Areas Where Joe and I Absolutely Disagree but That’s Okay That’s America Because Whatever Our Differences We Respect One Another As Human Beings Each of Us Searching for Justice and for Purpose We Can All See What’s Going on in Our Country Today and All the Questions That Are Facing Us Know One Person or Party Has All the Answers but What We Do Know Is That We Can Do Better Than What We’ve Been Seeing Today for Sure and I Know That Joe Biden with His Experience and His Wisdom Is Decency Can Bring Us Together Help Us Find That Better Way I’m Sure Their Republicans and Independents. The actual occupying the way that they are dealing with those of the protestant Cove and everything businesses are like now were cool Seattle fuck off several recovery like there’s so much infrastructure was built in South Lake Union yeah from Amazon there’s there’s it’s it’s too valuable of the property now for Amazon to leave it to become a ghost town that they gave literally was like that the ghost town of Seattle before was the last on our refined area you don’t know what Seattle has a giant caulking balls in its skyline because it has space needle which like the big shaft in head and an Amazon building are like these two giant like crooked hair balls and before that vault has a are they are what they were like these kinda like our orb looking things that were part of the Seattle Center designed to look like balls to so exactly there’s been some hangers lined up there I wish this is actually a more scroll I wish this was overly bottom of the space needle it’s not as if it was right tribal as you see as a sale is like a few blocks. In the white hoods for a black ski mask Official Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 5 gallon tank on the 1200 custom which is the biggest offering of any sportster notice forts or has this tank so for that reasonand a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt couple other reasons if you want to get a sportster that’s also a decent range bike then definitely go for the 1200 custom you that in combination with low they were comfortable seats that also accommodates a passenger dismiss a 1200 custom more of a function driven bike for a special 1200 iron like you your your quintessential bombers style you modern bobbers a real trendy style right now so way on these told her customs ahead is a 591 pounds about 30 pounds harrying it to so are units in claim 73 foot pounds of torque that that the crank 73 foot pounds of torque at 33 750 RPM for the Toler custom 3500 RPM for these two bikes so that because of it about my thoughtsand opinionsand the prosand cons of the sportster 1200 custom so sorcerers generally speaking sorcerers are a good entry level motorcycleand I went winning a lot of the sorcerers out there saying that there is no bike expense writer to write a so earnestly myself so they are a goodand you know her agenda that is limited to that is why I said you sorcerers for a lot of things that are great around town by thereby taking really be used for dual purpose unseemly sportster’s being used like off roadand no with the increasing popularity of hooligan flapjack races right now sports is used for that so you’re seeing some of the guys social media agencies for off road purposes not necessarily small percentage of people bind sportster’s that is forcing me for a lot of things I mentioned earlier the sportster frameand family have a really a lot of fitness options because the frame thought of things change for a long time everybody’s made part bikesand so it to create your vision on this motorcycle a lot of different areas infection parsable from the only thing genuine accessories stuff portable from their swell so a major pro on these bikes stuff right outand customizingand fighters is a huge almost a subculture in a world DIY guide guys that to build a work on their bikes as a hobby sells setting is cool is great like that is pretty easy to work onand generally speaking I call are a great bike speaker with so I think say you have to be part mechanic to on one of these motorcycles can’t do that was the case 30 years ago that nowadays the gas in case of fluids going the Pro is very resilient there after a whileand is run around good is really not many policy things going welland good you do the service intervalsand will run for very long time that the authority in general as well is an Islamic disposable motorcycles out there after 10 years on is junk motorcycle is on was viceand consider alarm for 20 years will it outand others are writing it again Harleys never go there like the complete opposite of the disposal motorcycle so sorcerers need bikes in deficitand gloryand sources that have the a good price point okay I showed you earlier this thing is between 10and 11 000 on the bikeand the next atomic Asaph tell you to run yet 14 five or 15 000 in the next price point up to limit such a little bit about the Collins on this bike since from the freeway now so generally speaking the sportster’s aren’t a good light long long haul high speed highway bike so brightand very hairyand in the 65 miles an hour 70 miles an hourand the state the suspension English on a really really smooth road which I’m not California highways are not known for being smooth so just in the suspension doesn’t really keep up very well so they dampening in the rebounding on the suspension arts great for this type of writing are really bumpy roads so the bikes do a lot of hopping around the running over the cracksand bumps in the freewayand more of a stay focusedand hang on to the experience as opposed to an array my street glideand is kicking backand I think our evening to hang on to the handlebars at the time so Smith that young like to win on this bike which is abnormal industries to fairing her derogatory bikes that’s the thing though we know this is pretty normal for most motorcycles out thereand you can get a windshield as well most of his forces have pretty limited fuel capacity so I recommend this bike for someone that knew they wanted to get a sportster so maybe it’s maybe their smaller writer as well that the sportster’s are great for smaller writers you have to be a beginner rather major in advance writer but yet the sky you want something with sporty handling this forces is a great bikeand soand now dig good fit for you but the 1200 custom select is a better ride comparatively speaking then most of the other sportster’s with the exception of the roadster the roadster has a really great rides as related shocks on travels really nice but that’s more of more geared towards you really doing the cane carting stuff in the twisties that 1200 custom is more of your like if you could call it a touring sportster this is probably the closest bike that would even begin to be ale to be called a touring sportster to have little more comfortable seats you have a 4 gallon tank gives you a better range you’re probably gonna be going to the hunter or 4050 miles between Phillips my down his bike as being conservativeand you’ve got the fact that nice fat sign was in the tires that fake front tireand so really what that does ideological overlook this that saffron tire really smooth out the ride in a couple different ways from the standpoint of the shock absorption just having a thicker sidewall there absorbs more of the small road bumpsand that that wider tires well of friends really soaks up a lot of the Wrangler is just the cracksand stuff on the roads here front tire doesn’t track the smaller cracksand grooves in the road so my guess smaller thinner tire like maybe an iron as can have more of the that’s that feeling at Heisey specially if you’re hating wranglers on the freeway is your front wheel kind of tracing the small imperfectionsand cracks in the road to get as much on the 1200 custom with the fatter front tire so one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when it using a Harley Davidson is people place too much emphasis on just the looks of the bike to walk in the walk on the showroom floor they’ll have a price in mind a budget in mind they want to spend to take out the bike that looks best to themand doing the wrong looks are very very important if we care where motorcycle look like we would all by Indiansand Hondas were not the bike was badlyand but that it’s like choosing a woman you know looks are very very important that people that get married or choose a girlfriend just based off of looks aloneand nothing else usually ends with the breakup so please is pretty awesome but deleted bicycles so it’s ascending with a Harley Davidson you have to really take into account more than just the look of the bikeand the look is definitely in in the top two or three to the wrong that you have asked yourself this the question I was asked to a shot of her motorcycle pay what type of writing are you can be doingand where is your skill level at for the most part people that are more skillful writersand writing for longer a lot of time usually those types of riders always use the sensor writers do overnight trips or longer rides or family that cream in a car to debut longer trips the longer rides or they write to the Canyon in NHI to write aggressively to decants those two things now someone that is maybe a newer writer more casual writer that is right around town well he knew that he may have completely different needs than the guy that wants to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with his buddies so you got asked yourself that so if you’re sportster buyer settlement sportster to sell heyand I had to be on those does overnight trips the answers yes well then you might want to look at the battle hundred custom needle into the dining group that has stopped for gas 4880 or 90 miles is a about 40 like the look of on the clothing neuron but they realize that the guys a long commute to work the right bike to fill up on a daily basis it’s really old so the key is guided by irons MSA will primary things I want to do this is my girlfriend for you it’s pretty easy by difference even put us in the pace on their businesses more additional expense not to not 48’sand irons you see a lot of fuel coming in blindly buying those bikes without really taking consideration other needs that they have so if you have other needsand on the back of her second ICU still commands blindly buying street guidesand road lives really you should be buying electrolyte contents a gallon in a row glide by the Laland put her back on the lower leg bearingsand give me a tour windshield LM uncomfortable C because of go on long road trips will guess onand you just spent probably 3000 right there I should just gotten a robot all Chuck so he said the really be honest with yourselfand figure out whatever writing in dealing because children custom does lend a couple functionality items you don’t give sorcerers every mentioned in the field to of writing an additional lighting like on the rear centerand see you a better so you might like it doesn’t any consideration this thing that makes a sportster platform not as good of the highway like high speed long duration by the fact that five speed transmission is thus a six speedand a sixth year Tells tire next big difference take this bike up to 70 miles an hour doing what you say I dirty 500 RPM is 70 miles an hour in six here on a date when Mike and’s 3000 RPM you doing 80 miles an hour so Amy running a cruiser the premise generating cruisers to cruise right have a really cool calm relaxed bitter economics ride in the site is white knuckle experience only you make writing audioand have experienced no problem that’s the only running a Harley you don’t want to have to read I hear your bike 10 000 RPM like a crotch rocket to get up to speed its all about that way you feel when you’re out there on the roadand so you have lessons that came back cruiser experience on the freeway because it five speed transmission on the sorcerers so gone back to Kenneth comparing this to the 48and the iron the Iowa city 40 I personally like the style of those two bikes to style the spike in style this bike is it’s more that a 90s in my opinion whereas I that the bobber look the dark custom look as Harley calls it on the iron 48 more in tune with let’s head special in the new fortieths on the iron 1200 I love the newand throwback graphics which really pointless with what guys in that age demographics are looking for cancer the 70s luck on the spotter biases is a reciprocal style so you may be changed to the graphics on this bike this year on the 1200 custom I do like him diets’s site despite his more of the Midwest the style like Joe West Coast style really that I don’t I don’t think for that reason out in the styling really appeals to younger demographic is this forces are good at is a land that I think California but they’re pretty good reason to traffic no window right here right nowand every attempt on a street glide so if you’re in a densely populated heavy traffic urban area the sportster could also fulfill different benefits that is to type places as being a smaller bike here in a week to traffic so that’s about it guys on so in a nutshell I recommend by four someone who’s getting into the Harley worldsand doesn’t want a real big area Heavy maybe the underwriting is primarily unity on surface streets a below 60 miles an hour it’s fine for the occasional trip hereand there can you across the country on yes you can use there’s more options out there that there are better that stuff if you’re an experienced writerand you want to go fast like yoursand they really get out there on the freeways to 70 miles an hour then I would highly highly recommend going out to a soft tail if your budget will permit I usually don’t recommend sportster’s to real advanced riders unless they know that he was a game to never really Nice specific purpose some of the most purposes that I mentioned earlier so I usually use the guys it right in the groups get on the road go places do things their you say better off going up to at least a soft tell model that you maybe maybe your smog I am 80 year 5455 40 or 50 pounds sports should be fine for you maybe you want to go bike this is just the way your needs are out to be a good reason as well this is generally found the sportster martyr local around town bike. I’m not saying someone was willing to do what some of them will go to the mirror so was shaped by different things but I think we are a diverse enough people to have independence in our community that Republicans in a community Democrats in our community and be able to come together in a steel pipe black people by respecting understanding people so I have a lot of good Republican friends and we set out to drink a beer. Also it too often with criminal aliens in the country it’s bringing heartbreak but Donald Trump has played that he lay out in Arizona that that will deal systematically with illegal immigration beginning the border security internal enforcement probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt So I’ve Known Joe Biden for 30 Years I Know His Story of Profound Grief That Is so Deeply Affected His Character I Know Joe Is a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Good Man a Man of Faith a Unifier Someone Who Understands the Hopes and Dreams of the Common Man in a Comment Woman a Man Who Can Help Us to See the Humanity in Each Other She Knows That the Path to a Restored and Rejuvenated America Lies in Respect and Unity and a Common Purpose for Everyone Yes There Are Areas Where Joe and I Absolutely Disagree but That’s Okay That’s America Because Whatever Our Differences We Respect One Another As Human Beings Each of Us Searching for Justice and for Purpose We Can All See What’s Going on in Our Country Today and All the Questions That Are Facing Us Know One Person or Party Has All the Answers but What We Do Know Is That We Can Do Better Than What We’ve Been Seeing Today for Sure and I Know That Joe Biden with His Experience and His Wisdom Is Decency Can Bring Us Together Help Us Find That Better Way I’m Sure Their Republicans and Independents. The actual occupying the way that they are dealing with those of the protestant Cove and everything businesses are like now were cool Seattle fuck off several recovery like there’s so much infrastructure was built in South Lake Union yeah from Amazon there’s there’s it’s it’s too valuable of the property now for Amazon to leave it to become a ghost town that they gave literally was like that the ghost town of Seattle before was the last on our refined area you don’t know what Seattle has a giant caulking balls in its skyline because it has space needle which like the big shaft in head and an Amazon building are like these two giant like crooked hair balls and before that vault has a are they are what they were like these kinda like our orb looking things that were part of the Seattle Center designed to look like balls to so exactly there’s been some hangers lined up there I wish this is actually a more scroll I wish this was overly bottom of the space needle it’s not as if it was right tribal as you see as a sale is like a few blocks. In the white hoods for a black ski mask Official Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 5 gallon tank on the 1200 custom which is the biggest offering of any sportster notice forts or has this tank so for that reasonand a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt couple other reasons if you want to get a sportster that’s also a decent range bike then definitely go for the 1200 custom you that in combination with low they were comfortable seats that also accommodates a passenger dismiss a 1200 custom more of a function driven bike for a special 1200 iron like you your your quintessential bombers style you modern bobbers a real trendy style right now so way on these told her customs ahead is a 591 pounds about 30 pounds harrying it to so are units in claim 73 foot pounds of torque that that the crank 73 foot pounds of torque at 33 750 RPM for the Toler custom 3500 RPM for these two bikes so that because of it about my thoughtsand opinionsand the prosand cons of the sportster 1200 custom so sorcerers generally speaking sorcerers are a good entry level motorcycleand I went winning a lot of the sorcerers out there saying that there is no bike expense writer to write a so earnestly myself so they are a goodand you know her agenda that is limited to that is why I said you sorcerers for a lot of things that are great around town by thereby taking really be used for dual purpose unseemly sportster’s being used like off roadand no with the increasing popularity of hooligan flapjack races right now sports is used for that so you’re seeing some of the guys social media agencies for off road purposes not necessarily small percentage of people bind sportster’s that is forcing me for a lot of things I mentioned earlier the sportster frameand family have a really a lot of fitness options because the frame thought of things change for a long time everybody’s made part bikesand so it to create your vision on this motorcycle a lot of different areas infection parsable from the only thing genuine accessories stuff portable from their swell so a major pro on these bikes stuff right outand customizingand fighters is a huge almost a subculture in a world DIY guide guys that to build a work on their bikes as a hobby sells setting is cool is great like that is pretty easy to work onand generally speaking I call are a great bike speaker with so I think say you have to be part mechanic to on one of these motorcycles can’t do that was the case 30 years ago that nowadays the gas in case of fluids going the Pro is very resilient there after a whileand is run around good is really not many policy things going welland good you do the service intervalsand will run for very long time that the authority in general as well is an Islamic disposable motorcycles out there after 10 years on is junk motorcycle is on was viceand consider alarm for 20 years will it outand others are writing it again Harleys never go there like the complete opposite of the disposal motorcycle so sorcerers need bikes in deficitand gloryand sources that have the a good price point okay I showed you earlier this thing is between 10and 11 000 on the bikeand the next atomic Asaph tell you to run yet 14 five or 15 000 in the next price point up to limit such a little bit about the Collins on this bike since from the freeway now so generally speaking the sportster’s aren’t a good light long long haul high speed highway bike so brightand very hairyand in the 65 miles an hour 70 miles an hourand the state the suspension English on a really really smooth road which I’m not California highways are not known for being smooth so just in the suspension doesn’t really keep up very well so they dampening in the rebounding on the suspension arts great for this type of writing are really bumpy roads so the bikes do a lot of hopping around the running over the cracksand bumps in the freewayand more of a stay focusedand hang on to the experience as opposed to an array my street glideand is kicking backand I think our evening to hang on to the handlebars at the time so Smith that young like to win on this bike which is abnormal industries to fairing her derogatory bikes that’s the thing though we know this is pretty normal for most motorcycles out thereand you can get a windshield as well most of his forces have pretty limited fuel capacity so I recommend this bike for someone that knew they wanted to get a sportster so maybe it’s maybe their smaller writer as well that the sportster’s are great for smaller writers you have to be a beginner rather major in advance writer but yet the sky you want something with sporty handling this forces is a great bikeand soand now dig good fit for you but the 1200 custom select is a better ride comparatively speaking then most of the other sportster’s with the exception of the roadster the roadster has a really great rides as related shocks on travels really nice but that’s more of more geared towards you really doing the cane carting stuff in the twisties that 1200 custom is more of your like if you could call it a touring sportster this is probably the closest bike that would even begin to be ale to be called a touring sportster to have little more comfortable seats you have a 4 gallon tank gives you a better range you’re probably gonna be going to the hunter or 4050 miles between Phillips my down his bike as being conservativeand you’ve got the fact that nice fat sign was in the tires that fake front tireand so really what that does ideological overlook this that saffron tire really smooth out the ride in a couple different ways from the standpoint of the shock absorption just having a thicker sidewall there absorbs more of the small road bumpsand that that wider tires well of friends really soaks up a lot of the Wrangler is just the cracksand stuff on the roads here front tire doesn’t track the smaller cracksand grooves in the road so my guess smaller thinner tire like maybe an iron as can have more of the that’s that feeling at Heisey specially if you’re hating wranglers on the freeway is your front wheel kind of tracing the small imperfectionsand cracks in the road to get as much on the 1200 custom with the fatter front tire so one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when it using a Harley Davidson is people place too much emphasis on just the looks of the bike to walk in the walk on the showroom floor they’ll have a price in mind a budget in mind they want to spend to take out the bike that looks best to themand doing the wrong looks are very very important if we care where motorcycle look like we would all by Indiansand Hondas were not the bike was badlyand but that it’s like choosing a woman you know looks are very very important that people that get married or choose a girlfriend just based off of looks aloneand nothing else usually ends with the breakup so please is pretty awesome but deleted bicycles so it’s ascending with a Harley Davidson you have to really take into account more than just the look of the bikeand the look is definitely in in the top two or three to the wrong that you have asked yourself this the question I was asked to a shot of her motorcycle pay what type of writing are you can be doingand where is your skill level at for the most part people that are more skillful writersand writing for longer a lot of time usually those types of riders always use the sensor writers do overnight trips or longer rides or family that cream in a car to debut longer trips the longer rides or they write to the Canyon in NHI to write aggressively to decants those two things now someone that is maybe a newer writer more casual writer that is right around town well he knew that he may have completely different needs than the guy that wants to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with his buddies so you got asked yourself that so if you’re sportster buyer settlement sportster to sell heyand I had to be on those does overnight trips the answers yes well then you might want to look at the battle hundred custom needle into the dining group that has stopped for gas 4880 or 90 miles is a about 40 like the look of on the clothing neuron but they realize that the guys a long commute to work the right bike to fill up on a daily basis it’s really old so the key is guided by irons MSA will primary things I want to do this is my girlfriend for you it’s pretty easy by difference even put us in the pace on their businesses more additional expense not to not 48’sand irons you see a lot of fuel coming in blindly buying those bikes without really taking consideration other needs that they have so if you have other needsand on the back of her second ICU still commands blindly buying street guidesand road lives really you should be buying electrolyte contents a gallon in a row glide by the Laland put her back on the lower leg bearingsand give me a tour windshield LM uncomfortable C because of go on long road trips will guess onand you just spent probably 3000 right there I should just gotten a robot all Chuck so he said the really be honest with yourselfand figure out whatever writing in dealing because children custom does lend a couple functionality items you don’t give sorcerers every mentioned in the field to of writing an additional lighting like on the rear centerand see you a better so you might like it doesn’t any consideration this thing that makes a sportster platform not as good of the highway like high speed long duration by the fact that five speed transmission is thus a six speedand a sixth year Tells tire next big difference take this bike up to 70 miles an hour doing what you say I dirty 500 RPM is 70 miles an hour in six here on a date when Mike and’s 3000 RPM you doing 80 miles an hour so Amy running a cruiser the premise generating cruisers to cruise right have a really cool calm relaxed bitter economics ride in the site is white knuckle experience only you make writing audioand have experienced no problem that’s the only running a Harley you don’t want to have to read I hear your bike 10 000 RPM like a crotch rocket to get up to speed its all about that way you feel when you’re out there on the roadand so you have lessons that came back cruiser experience on the freeway because it five speed transmission on the sorcerers so gone back to Kenneth comparing this to the 48and the iron the Iowa city 40 I personally like the style of those two bikes to style the spike in style this bike is it’s more that a 90s in my opinion whereas I that the bobber look the dark custom look as Harley calls it on the iron 48 more in tune with let’s head special in the new fortieths on the iron 1200 I love the newand throwback graphics which really pointless with what guys in that age demographics are looking for cancer the 70s luck on the spotter biases is a reciprocal style so you may be changed to the graphics on this bike this year on the 1200 custom I do like him diets’s site despite his more of the Midwest the style like Joe West Coast style really that I don’t I don’t think for that reason out in the styling really appeals to younger demographic is this forces are good at is a land that I think California but they’re pretty good reason to traffic no window right here right nowand every attempt on a street glide so if you’re in a densely populated heavy traffic urban area the sportster could also fulfill different benefits that is to type places as being a smaller bike here in a week to traffic so that’s about it guys on so in a nutshell I recommend by four someone who’s getting into the Harley worldsand doesn’t want a real big area Heavy maybe the underwriting is primarily unity on surface streets a below 60 miles an hour it’s fine for the occasional trip hereand there can you across the country on yes you can use there’s more options out there that there are better that stuff if you’re an experienced writerand you want to go fast like yoursand they really get out there on the freeways to 70 miles an hour then I would highly highly recommend going out to a soft tail if your budget will permit I usually don’t recommend sportster’s to real advanced riders unless they know that he was a game to never really Nice specific purpose some of the most purposes that I mentioned earlier so I usually use the guys it right in the groups get on the road go places do things their you say better off going up to at least a soft tell model that you maybe maybe your smog I am 80 year 5455 40 or 50 pounds sports should be fine for you maybe you want to go bike this is just the way your needs are out to be a good reason as well this is generally found the sportster martyr local around town bike. I’m not saying someone was willing to do what some of them will go to the mirror so was shaped by different things but I think we are a diverse enough people to have independence in our community that Republicans in a community Democrats in our community and be able to come together in a steel pipe black people by respecting understanding people so I have a lot of good Republican friends and we set out to drink a beer. Also it too often with criminal aliens in the country it’s bringing heartbreak but Donald Trump has played that he lay out in Arizona that that will deal systematically with illegal immigration beginning the border security internal enforcement probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt - from marcazo.info 1

Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt - from marcazo.info 1

So I’ve Known Joe Biden for 30 Years I Know His Story of Profound Grief That Is so Deeply Affected His Character I Know Joe Is a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Good Man a Man of Faith a Unifier Someone Who Understands the Hopes and Dreams of the Common Man in a Comment Woman a Man Who Can Help Us to See the Humanity in Each Other She Knows That the Path to a Restored and Rejuvenated America Lies in Respect and Unity and a Common Purpose for Everyone Yes There Are Areas Where Joe and I Absolutely Disagree but That’s Okay That’s America Because Whatever Our Differences We Respect One Another As Human Beings Each of Us Searching for Justice and for Purpose We Can All See What’s Going on in Our Country Today and All the Questions That Are Facing Us Know One Person or Party Has All the Answers but What We Do Know Is That We Can Do Better Than What We’ve Been Seeing Today for Sure and I Know That Joe Biden with His Experience and His Wisdom Is Decency Can Bring Us Together Help Us Find That Better Way I’m Sure Their Republicans and Independents. The actual occupying the way that they are dealing with those of the protestant Cove and everything businesses are like now were cool Seattle fuck off several recovery like there’s so much infrastructure was built in South Lake Union yeah from Amazon there’s there’s it’s it’s too valuable of the property now for Amazon to leave it to become a ghost town that they gave literally was like that the ghost town of Seattle before was the last on our refined area you don’t know what Seattle has a giant caulking balls in its skyline because it has space needle which like the big shaft in head and an Amazon building are like these two giant like crooked hair balls and before that vault has a are they are what they were like these kinda like our orb looking things that were part of the Seattle Center designed to look like balls to so exactly there’s been some hangers lined up there I wish this is actually a more scroll I wish this was overly bottom of the space needle it’s not as if it was right tribal as you see as a sale is like a few blocks. In the white hoods for a black ski mask Official Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 5 gallon tank on the 1200 custom which is the biggest offering of any sportster notice forts or has this tank so for that reasonand a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt couple other reasons if you want to get a sportster that’s also a decent range bike then definitely go for the 1200 custom you that in combination with low they were comfortable seats that also accommodates a passenger dismiss a 1200 custom more of a function driven bike for a special 1200 iron like you your your quintessential bombers style you modern bobbers a real trendy style right now so way on these told her customs ahead is a 591 pounds about 30 pounds harrying it to so are units in claim 73 foot pounds of torque that that the crank 73 foot pounds of torque at 33 750 RPM for the Toler custom 3500 RPM for these two bikes so that because of it about my thoughtsand opinionsand the prosand cons of the sportster 1200 custom so sorcerers generally speaking sorcerers are a good entry level motorcycleand I went winning a lot of the sorcerers out there saying that there is no bike expense writer to write a so earnestly myself so they are a goodand you know her agenda that is limited to that is why I said you sorcerers for a lot of things that are great around town by thereby taking really be used for dual purpose unseemly sportster’s being used like off roadand no with the increasing popularity of hooligan flapjack races right now sports is used for that so you’re seeing some of the guys social media agencies for off road purposes not necessarily small percentage of people bind sportster’s that is forcing me for a lot of things I mentioned earlier the sportster frameand family have a really a lot of fitness options because the frame thought of things change for a long time everybody’s made part bikesand so it to create your vision on this motorcycle a lot of different areas infection parsable from the only thing genuine accessories stuff portable from their swell so a major pro on these bikes stuff right outand customizingand fighters is a huge almost a subculture in a world DIY guide guys that to build a work on their bikes as a hobby sells setting is cool is great like that is pretty easy to work onand generally speaking I call are a great bike speaker with so I think say you have to be part mechanic to on one of these motorcycles can’t do that was the case 30 years ago that nowadays the gas in case of fluids going the Pro is very resilient there after a whileand is run around good is really not many policy things going welland good you do the service intervalsand will run for very long time that the authority in general as well is an Islamic disposable motorcycles out there after 10 years on is junk motorcycle is on was viceand consider alarm for 20 years will it outand others are writing it again Harleys never go there like the complete opposite of the disposal motorcycle so sorcerers need bikes in deficitand gloryand sources that have the a good price point okay I showed you earlier this thing is between 10and 11 000 on the bikeand the next atomic Asaph tell you to run yet 14 five or 15 000 in the next price point up to limit such a little bit about the Collins on this bike since from the freeway now so generally speaking the sportster’s aren’t a good light long long haul high speed highway bike so brightand very hairyand in the 65 miles an hour 70 miles an hourand the state the suspension English on a really really smooth road which I’m not California highways are not known for being smooth so just in the suspension doesn’t really keep up very well so they dampening in the rebounding on the suspension arts great for this type of writing are really bumpy roads so the bikes do a lot of hopping around the running over the cracksand bumps in the freewayand more of a stay focusedand hang on to the experience as opposed to an array my street glideand is kicking backand I think our evening to hang on to the handlebars at the time so Smith that young like to win on this bike which is abnormal industries to fairing her derogatory bikes that’s the thing though we know this is pretty normal for most motorcycles out thereand you can get a windshield as well most of his forces have pretty limited fuel capacity so I recommend this bike for someone that knew they wanted to get a sportster so maybe it’s maybe their smaller writer as well that the sportster’s are great for smaller writers you have to be a beginner rather major in advance writer but yet the sky you want something with sporty handling this forces is a great bikeand soand now dig good fit for you but the 1200 custom select is a better ride comparatively speaking then most of the other sportster’s with the exception of the roadster the roadster has a really great rides as related shocks on travels really nice but that’s more of more geared towards you really doing the cane carting stuff in the twisties that 1200 custom is more of your like if you could call it a touring sportster this is probably the closest bike that would even begin to be ale to be called a touring sportster to have little more comfortable seats you have a 4 gallon tank gives you a better range you’re probably gonna be going to the hunter or 4050 miles between Phillips my down his bike as being conservativeand you’ve got the fact that nice fat sign was in the tires that fake front tireand so really what that does ideological overlook this that saffron tire really smooth out the ride in a couple different ways from the standpoint of the shock absorption just having a thicker sidewall there absorbs more of the small road bumpsand that that wider tires well of friends really soaks up a lot of the Wrangler is just the cracksand stuff on the roads here front tire doesn’t track the smaller cracksand grooves in the road so my guess smaller thinner tire like maybe an iron as can have more of the that’s that feeling at Heisey specially if you’re hating wranglers on the freeway is your front wheel kind of tracing the small imperfectionsand cracks in the road to get as much on the 1200 custom with the fatter front tire so one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when it using a Harley Davidson is people place too much emphasis on just the looks of the bike to walk in the walk on the showroom floor they’ll have a price in mind a budget in mind they want to spend to take out the bike that looks best to themand doing the wrong looks are very very important if we care where motorcycle look like we would all by Indiansand Hondas were not the bike was badlyand but that it’s like choosing a woman you know looks are very very important that people that get married or choose a girlfriend just based off of looks aloneand nothing else usually ends with the breakup so please is pretty awesome but deleted bicycles so it’s ascending with a Harley Davidson you have to really take into account more than just the look of the bikeand the look is definitely in in the top two or three to the wrong that you have asked yourself this the question I was asked to a shot of her motorcycle pay what type of writing are you can be doingand where is your skill level at for the most part people that are more skillful writersand writing for longer a lot of time usually those types of riders always use the sensor writers do overnight trips or longer rides or family that cream in a car to debut longer trips the longer rides or they write to the Canyon in NHI to write aggressively to decants those two things now someone that is maybe a newer writer more casual writer that is right around town well he knew that he may have completely different needs than the guy that wants to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with his buddies so you got asked yourself that so if you’re sportster buyer settlement sportster to sell heyand I had to be on those does overnight trips the answers yes well then you might want to look at the battle hundred custom needle into the dining group that has stopped for gas 4880 or 90 miles is a about 40 like the look of on the clothing neuron but they realize that the guys a long commute to work the right bike to fill up on a daily basis it’s really old so the key is guided by irons MSA will primary things I want to do this is my girlfriend for you it’s pretty easy by difference even put us in the pace on their businesses more additional expense not to not 48’sand irons you see a lot of fuel coming in blindly buying those bikes without really taking consideration other needs that they have so if you have other needsand on the back of her second ICU still commands blindly buying street guidesand road lives really you should be buying electrolyte contents a gallon in a row glide by the Laland put her back on the lower leg bearingsand give me a tour windshield LM uncomfortable C because of go on long road trips will guess onand you just spent probably 3000 right there I should just gotten a robot all Chuck so he said the really be honest with yourselfand figure out whatever writing in dealing because children custom does lend a couple functionality items you don’t give sorcerers every mentioned in the field to of writing an additional lighting like on the rear centerand see you a better so you might like it doesn’t any consideration this thing that makes a sportster platform not as good of the highway like high speed long duration by the fact that five speed transmission is thus a six speedand a sixth year Tells tire next big difference take this bike up to 70 miles an hour doing what you say I dirty 500 RPM is 70 miles an hour in six here on a date when Mike and’s 3000 RPM you doing 80 miles an hour so Amy running a cruiser the premise generating cruisers to cruise right have a really cool calm relaxed bitter economics ride in the site is white knuckle experience only you make writing audioand have experienced no problem that’s the only running a Harley you don’t want to have to read I hear your bike 10 000 RPM like a crotch rocket to get up to speed its all about that way you feel when you’re out there on the roadand so you have lessons that came back cruiser experience on the freeway because it five speed transmission on the sorcerers so gone back to Kenneth comparing this to the 48and the iron the Iowa city 40 I personally like the style of those two bikes to style the spike in style this bike is it’s more that a 90s in my opinion whereas I that the bobber look the dark custom look as Harley calls it on the iron 48 more in tune with let’s head special in the new fortieths on the iron 1200 I love the newand throwback graphics which really pointless with what guys in that age demographics are looking for cancer the 70s luck on the spotter biases is a reciprocal style so you may be changed to the graphics on this bike this year on the 1200 custom I do like him diets’s site despite his more of the Midwest the style like Joe West Coast style really that I don’t I don’t think for that reason out in the styling really appeals to younger demographic is this forces are good at is a land that I think California but they’re pretty good reason to traffic no window right here right nowand every attempt on a street glide so if you’re in a densely populated heavy traffic urban area the sportster could also fulfill different benefits that is to type places as being a smaller bike here in a week to traffic so that’s about it guys on so in a nutshell I recommend by four someone who’s getting into the Harley worldsand doesn’t want a real big area Heavy maybe the underwriting is primarily unity on surface streets a below 60 miles an hour it’s fine for the occasional trip hereand there can you across the country on yes you can use there’s more options out there that there are better that stuff if you’re an experienced writerand you want to go fast like yoursand they really get out there on the freeways to 70 miles an hour then I would highly highly recommend going out to a soft tail if your budget will permit I usually don’t recommend sportster’s to real advanced riders unless they know that he was a game to never really Nice specific purpose some of the most purposes that I mentioned earlier so I usually use the guys it right in the groups get on the road go places do things their you say better off going up to at least a soft tell model that you maybe maybe your smog I am 80 year 5455 40 or 50 pounds sports should be fine for you maybe you want to go bike this is just the way your needs are out to be a good reason as well this is generally found the sportster martyr local around town bike. I’m not saying someone was willing to do what some of them will go to the mirror so was shaped by different things but I think we are a diverse enough people to have independence in our community that Republicans in a community Democrats in our community and be able to come together in a steel pipe black people by respecting understanding people so I have a lot of good Republican friends and we set out to drink a beer. Also it too often with criminal aliens in the country it’s bringing heartbreak but Donald Trump has played that he lay out in Arizona that that will deal systematically with illegal immigration beginning the border security internal enforcement probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt So I’ve Known Joe Biden for 30 Years I Know His Story of Profound Grief That Is so Deeply Affected His Character I Know Joe Is a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Good Man a Man of Faith a Unifier Someone Who Understands the Hopes and Dreams of the Common Man in a Comment Woman a Man Who Can Help Us to See the Humanity in Each Other She Knows That the Path to a Restored and Rejuvenated America Lies in Respect and Unity and a Common Purpose for Everyone Yes There Are Areas Where Joe and I Absolutely Disagree but That’s Okay That’s America Because Whatever Our Differences We Respect One Another As Human Beings Each of Us Searching for Justice and for Purpose We Can All See What’s Going on in Our Country Today and All the Questions That Are Facing Us Know One Person or Party Has All the Answers but What We Do Know Is That We Can Do Better Than What We’ve Been Seeing Today for Sure and I Know That Joe Biden with His Experience and His Wisdom Is Decency Can Bring Us Together Help Us Find That Better Way I’m Sure Their Republicans and Independents. The actual occupying the way that they are dealing with those of the protestant Cove and everything businesses are like now were cool Seattle fuck off several recovery like there’s so much infrastructure was built in South Lake Union yeah from Amazon there’s there’s it’s it’s too valuable of the property now for Amazon to leave it to become a ghost town that they gave literally was like that the ghost town of Seattle before was the last on our refined area you don’t know what Seattle has a giant caulking balls in its skyline because it has space needle which like the big shaft in head and an Amazon building are like these two giant like crooked hair balls and before that vault has a are they are what they were like these kinda like our orb looking things that were part of the Seattle Center designed to look like balls to so exactly there’s been some hangers lined up there I wish this is actually a more scroll I wish this was overly bottom of the space needle it’s not as if it was right tribal as you see as a sale is like a few blocks. In the white hoods for a black ski mask Official Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt, Hoodie, Sweater, Longsleeve T-Shirt For Men and Women Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt More than Official other products Premium Trending This Summer Season will Presents Who Love: 5 gallon tank on the 1200 custom which is the biggest offering of any sportster notice forts or has this tank so for that reasonand a Is My Dirt Bike Okay T Shirt couple other reasons if you want to get a sportster that’s also a decent range bike then definitely go for the 1200 custom you that in combination with low they were comfortable seats that also accommodates a passenger dismiss a 1200 custom more of a function driven bike for a special 1200 iron like you your your quintessential bombers style you modern bobbers a real trendy style right now so way on these told her customs ahead is a 591 pounds about 30 pounds harrying it to so are units in claim 73 foot pounds of torque that that the crank 73 foot pounds of torque at 33 750 RPM for the Toler custom 3500 RPM for these two bikes so that because of it about my thoughtsand opinionsand the prosand cons of the sportster 1200 custom so sorcerers generally speaking sorcerers are a good entry level motorcycleand I went winning a lot of the sorcerers out there saying that there is no bike expense writer to write a so earnestly myself so they are a goodand you know her agenda that is limited to that is why I said you sorcerers for a lot of things that are great around town by thereby taking really be used for dual purpose unseemly sportster’s being used like off roadand no with the increasing popularity of hooligan flapjack races right now sports is used for that so you’re seeing some of the guys social media agencies for off road purposes not necessarily small percentage of people bind sportster’s that is forcing me for a lot of things I mentioned earlier the sportster frameand family have a really a lot of fitness options because the frame thought of things change for a long time everybody’s made part bikesand so it to create your vision on this motorcycle a lot of different areas infection parsable from the only thing genuine accessories stuff portable from their swell so a major pro on these bikes stuff right outand customizingand fighters is a huge almost a subculture in a world DIY guide guys that to build a work on their bikes as a hobby sells setting is cool is great like that is pretty easy to work onand generally speaking I call are a great bike speaker with so I think say you have to be part mechanic to on one of these motorcycles can’t do that was the case 30 years ago that nowadays the gas in case of fluids going the Pro is very resilient there after a whileand is run around good is really not many policy things going welland good you do the service intervalsand will run for very long time that the authority in general as well is an Islamic disposable motorcycles out there after 10 years on is junk motorcycle is on was viceand consider alarm for 20 years will it outand others are writing it again Harleys never go there like the complete opposite of the disposal motorcycle so sorcerers need bikes in deficitand gloryand sources that have the a good price point okay I showed you earlier this thing is between 10and 11 000 on the bikeand the next atomic Asaph tell you to run yet 14 five or 15 000 in the next price point up to limit such a little bit about the Collins on this bike since from the freeway now so generally speaking the sportster’s aren’t a good light long long haul high speed highway bike so brightand very hairyand in the 65 miles an hour 70 miles an hourand the state the suspension English on a really really smooth road which I’m not California highways are not known for being smooth so just in the suspension doesn’t really keep up very well so they dampening in the rebounding on the suspension arts great for this type of writing are really bumpy roads so the bikes do a lot of hopping around the running over the cracksand bumps in the freewayand more of a stay focusedand hang on to the experience as opposed to an array my street glideand is kicking backand I think our evening to hang on to the handlebars at the time so Smith that young like to win on this bike which is abnormal industries to fairing her derogatory bikes that’s the thing though we know this is pretty normal for most motorcycles out thereand you can get a windshield as well most of his forces have pretty limited fuel capacity so I recommend this bike for someone that knew they wanted to get a sportster so maybe it’s maybe their smaller writer as well that the sportster’s are great for smaller writers you have to be a beginner rather major in advance writer but yet the sky you want something with sporty handling this forces is a great bikeand soand now dig good fit for you but the 1200 custom select is a better ride comparatively speaking then most of the other sportster’s with the exception of the roadster the roadster has a really great rides as related shocks on travels really nice but that’s more of more geared towards you really doing the cane carting stuff in the twisties that 1200 custom is more of your like if you could call it a touring sportster this is probably the closest bike that would even begin to be ale to be called a touring sportster to have little more comfortable seats you have a 4 gallon tank gives you a better range you’re probably gonna be going to the hunter or 4050 miles between Phillips my down his bike as being conservativeand you’ve got the fact that nice fat sign was in the tires that fake front tireand so really what that does ideological overlook this that saffron tire really smooth out the ride in a couple different ways from the standpoint of the shock absorption just having a thicker sidewall there absorbs more of the small road bumpsand that that wider tires well of friends really soaks up a lot of the Wrangler is just the cracksand stuff on the roads here front tire doesn’t track the smaller cracksand grooves in the road so my guess smaller thinner tire like maybe an iron as can have more of the that’s that feeling at Heisey specially if you’re hating wranglers on the freeway is your front wheel kind of tracing the small imperfectionsand cracks in the road to get as much on the 1200 custom with the fatter front tire so one of the biggest mistakes I see people making when it using a Harley Davidson is people place too much emphasis on just the looks of the bike to walk in the walk on the showroom floor they’ll have a price in mind a budget in mind they want to spend to take out the bike that looks best to themand doing the wrong looks are very very important if we care where motorcycle look like we would all by Indiansand Hondas were not the bike was badlyand but that it’s like choosing a woman you know looks are very very important that people that get married or choose a girlfriend just based off of looks aloneand nothing else usually ends with the breakup so please is pretty awesome but deleted bicycles so it’s ascending with a Harley Davidson you have to really take into account more than just the look of the bikeand the look is definitely in in the top two or three to the wrong that you have asked yourself this the question I was asked to a shot of her motorcycle pay what type of writing are you can be doingand where is your skill level at for the most part people that are more skillful writersand writing for longer a lot of time usually those types of riders always use the sensor writers do overnight trips or longer rides or family that cream in a car to debut longer trips the longer rides or they write to the Canyon in NHI to write aggressively to decants those two things now someone that is maybe a newer writer more casual writer that is right around town well he knew that he may have completely different needs than the guy that wants to go to Las Vegas for the weekend with his buddies so you got asked yourself that so if you’re sportster buyer settlement sportster to sell heyand I had to be on those does overnight trips the answers yes well then you might want to look at the battle hundred custom needle into the dining group that has stopped for gas 4880 or 90 miles is a about 40 like the look of on the clothing neuron but they realize that the guys a long commute to work the right bike to fill up on a daily basis it’s really old so the key is guided by irons MSA will primary things I want to do this is my girlfriend for you it’s pretty easy by difference even put us in the pace on their businesses more additional expense not to not 48’sand irons you see a lot of fuel coming in blindly buying those bikes without really taking consideration other needs that they have so if you have other needsand on the back of her second ICU still commands blindly buying street guidesand road lives really you should be buying electrolyte contents a gallon in a row glide by the Laland put her back on the lower leg bearingsand give me a tour windshield LM uncomfortable C because of go on long road trips will guess onand you just spent probably 3000 right there I should just gotten a robot all Chuck so he said the really be honest with yourselfand figure out whatever writing in dealing because children custom does lend a couple functionality items you don’t give sorcerers every mentioned in the field to of writing an additional lighting like on the rear centerand see you a better so you might like it doesn’t any consideration this thing that makes a sportster platform not as good of the highway like high speed long duration by the fact that five speed transmission is thus a six speedand a sixth year Tells tire next big difference take this bike up to 70 miles an hour doing what you say I dirty 500 RPM is 70 miles an hour in six here on a date when Mike and’s 3000 RPM you doing 80 miles an hour so Amy running a cruiser the premise generating cruisers to cruise right have a really cool calm relaxed bitter economics ride in the site is white knuckle experience only you make writing audioand have experienced no problem that’s the only running a Harley you don’t want to have to read I hear your bike 10 000 RPM like a crotch rocket to get up to speed its all about that way you feel when you’re out there on the roadand so you have lessons that came back cruiser experience on the freeway because it five speed transmission on the sorcerers so gone back to Kenneth comparing this to the 48and the iron the Iowa city 40 I personally like the style of those two bikes to style the spike in style this bike is it’s more that a 90s in my opinion whereas I that the bobber look the dark custom look as Harley calls it on the iron 48 more in tune with let’s head special in the new fortieths on the iron 1200 I love the newand throwback graphics which really pointless with what guys in that age demographics are looking for cancer the 70s luck on the spotter biases is a reciprocal style so you may be changed to the graphics on this bike this year on the 1200 custom I do like him diets’s site despite his more of the Midwest the style like Joe West Coast style really that I don’t I don’t think for that reason out in the styling really appeals to younger demographic is this forces are good at is a land that I think California but they’re pretty good reason to traffic no window right here right nowand every attempt on a street glide so if you’re in a densely populated heavy traffic urban area the sportster could also fulfill different benefits that is to type places as being a smaller bike here in a week to traffic so that’s about it guys on so in a nutshell I recommend by four someone who’s getting into the Harley worldsand doesn’t want a real big area Heavy maybe the underwriting is primarily unity on surface streets a below 60 miles an hour it’s fine for the occasional trip hereand there can you across the country on yes you can use there’s more options out there that there are better that stuff if you’re an experienced writerand you want to go fast like yoursand they really get out there on the freeways to 70 miles an hour then I would highly highly recommend going out to a soft tail if your budget will permit I usually don’t recommend sportster’s to real advanced riders unless they know that he was a game to never really Nice specific purpose some of the most purposes that I mentioned earlier so I usually use the guys it right in the groups get on the road go places do things their you say better off going up to at least a soft tell model that you maybe maybe your smog I am 80 year 5455 40 or 50 pounds sports should be fine for you maybe you want to go bike this is just the way your needs are out to be a good reason as well this is generally found the sportster martyr local around town bike. I’m not saying someone was willing to do what some of them will go to the mirror so was shaped by different things but I think we are a diverse enough people to have independence in our community that Republicans in a community Democrats in our community and be able to come together in a steel pipe black people by respecting understanding people so I have a lot of good Republican friends and we set out to drink a beer. Also it too often with criminal aliens in the country it’s bringing heartbreak but Donald Trump has played that he lay out in Arizona that that will deal systematically with illegal immigration beginning the border security internal enforcement probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations See Other related products: unicorn shirts and shirt

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